日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20618 次
前面一贴:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20120516/21/aa23e8d3-9255-48ec-ae18-3dcaa8931e4e.html 已经解决了目前的问题,在实际应用过程中又出现了一个新问题 就是前面再加上“类别”一列, 类别a与b 如果两个类别金额相同自动匹配为1 不匹配为0 如果有多个a与b a与b的金额也要一一对应才能自动顺延匹配 实际要显示的效果如下: 类别 金额 备注 a 10 1 b 10 1 a 20 0 a 20 0 a 20 0 a 30 0 a 40 1 b 40 1 a 40 0 a 50 1 b 50 1 a 50 1 b 50 1
--> 测试数据:[test] if object_id('[test]') is not null drop table [test] create table [test]( [类别] varchar(1), [金额] int, [备注] int ) insert [test] select 'a',10,null union all select 'b',10,null union all select 'a',20,null union all select 'a',20,null union all select 'a',20,null union all select 'a',30,null union all select 'a',40,null union all select 'b',40,null union all select 'a',40,null union all select 'a',50,null union all select 'b',50,null union all select 'a',50,null union all select 'b',50,null alter table test add id int identity go update test set [备注]=case when id in (select * from( select a.id from test a full join test b on a.id=b.id+1 where a.类别<>b.类别 and a.金额=b.金额 union select b.id from test a full join test b on a.id=b.id+1 where a.类别<>b.类别 and a.金额=b.金额)m) then 1 else 0 end alter table test drop column id go select * from test /* 类别 金额 备注 ----- -------- ------------- a 10 1 b 10 1 a 20 0 a 20 0 a 20 0 a 30 0 a 40 1 b 40 1 a 40 1--这里我不明白你的为什么是0?? a 50 1 b 50 1 a 50 1 b 50 1 */ 解释一下嘛
alter table tb add px int identity go update tb set 备注=1 where 类别='a' and exists(select 1 from tb t where t.类别='b' and t.px=tb.px+1) or 类别='b' and exists(select 1 from tb t where t.类别='a' and t.px=tb.px-1) go alter table tb drop column px go select * from tb /** 类别 金额 备注 ---- ----------- ----------- a 10 1 b 10 1 a 20 0 a 20 0 a 20 0 a 30 0 a 40 1 b 40 1 a 40 0 a 50 1 b 50 1 a 50 1 b 50 1 (13 行受影响) **/