日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20663 次
select name,date(time) date from logdb.player_log3 where time BETWEEN '2012-02-18' and '2012-02-25' group by name,date limit 20;
GO IF OBJECT_ID('TBL')IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE TBL GO CREATE TABLE TBL( 日期 DATE ) GO INSERT TBL SELECT '2012-03-01' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-31' --利用递归实现输出三月份的所有日期: go declare @date date select @date=MAX(日期) from tbl ;with t as( select * from tbl union all select dateadd(dd,1,a.日期) from t a where not exists(select * from tbl b where b.日期=DATEADD(DD,1,a.日期) ) and a.日期<@date ) select *from t order by 日期 /* 日期 2012-03-01 2012-03-02 2012-03-03 2012-03-04 2012-03-05 2012-03-06 2012-03-07 2012-03-08 2012-03-09 2012-03-10 2012-03-11 2012-03-12 2012-03-13 2012-03-14 2012-03-15 2012-03-16 2012-03-17 2012-03-18 2012-03-19 2012-03-20 2012-03-21 2012-03-22 2012-03-23 2012-03-24 2012-03-25 2012-03-26 2012-03-27 2012-03-28 2012-03-29 2012-03-30 2012-03-31 */ 查询出不存在的日期和原有的日期 ,自动生成三月份的所有日期 参考