日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20607 次
/********************************** 测试题:已知如下一张表,它是某人的行程路线,请找出他的行程。 要求:用sql来实现。得出路线形同:张山:A→B→C…… **********************************/ use master go if object_id('tempdb..temps')>0 drop table #temp create table temps ( sub_item int not null, name varchar(10) null,-- leave varchar(1) null, -- arrive varchar(1) null, -- ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(1,'张三','A','B' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(2,'张三','D','E' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(3,'张三','F','G' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(4,'张三','C','D' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(5,'张三','B','C' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(6,'张三','E','F' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(7,'李四','A','B' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(8,'李四','D','E' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(9,'李四','C','D' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(10,'李四','B','C' ) insert into temps (sub_item,name,leave,arrive) values(11,'李四','E','F' )
;with cte AS ( select name,arrive,path = CAST(leave +'→'+arrive AS VARCHAR(3000)) from temps a where not exists ( select 1 from temps where arrive = a.leave and name = a.name ) UNION ALL select B.name,A.arrive,path = CAST(B.PATH +'→'+A.arrive AS VARCHAR(3000)) from temps a,CTE B where A.leave = B.arrive AND A.NAME=B.NAME ) SELECT NAME,PATH FROM CTE A WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM CTE WHERE NAME = A.NAME AND LEN(PATH)>LEN(A.PATH) ) --结果 NAME PATH 李四 A→B→C→D→E→F 张三 A→B→C→D→E→F→G
;with cte AS ( select name,arrive,path = CAST(leave +'→'+arrive AS VARCHAR(3000)),LEV=1 from temps a where not exists ( select 1 from temps where arrive = a.leave and name = a.name ) UNION ALL select B.name,A.arrive,path = CAST(B.PATH +'→'+A.arrive AS VARCHAR(3000)),LEV = B.LEV + 1 from temps a,CTE B where A.leave = B.arrive AND A.NAME=B.NAME ) SELECT NAME,PATH FROM CTE A WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM CTE WHERE NAME = A.NAME AND LEV>A.LEV )
with tba as( select name,leave,arrive from temps group by name,leave,arrive ) select distinct name,路线=STuff((select '-'+LEAVE from tba c where c.name=b.name for xml path('')),1,1,'') from tba b ----------- 李四 A-B-C-D-E 张三 A-B-C-D-E-F