日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20486 次

序号 面值
1 100.0000
2 100.0000
3 100.0000
4 100.0000
7 100.0000
8 100.0000
19 100.0000
22 100.0000
25 100.0000
10 200.0000
11 200.0000
13 200.0000
14 300.0000
15 300.0000
17 300.0000
起始序号 终止序号 面值
1 4 100
7 8 100
19 19 100
22 22 100
25 25 100
10 11 200
13 13 200
14 15 300
17 17 300

SQL code

step 1:找出间断之后的点,为他们分配行号(这是孤岛的起点)
step 2:找出间断之前的点,为他们分配行号(这是孤岛的终点)
step 3:以行号相等作为条件,匹配孤岛的起点和终点

    with startpoints as
      select id,row_number()over(order by id) as rownum
           from tbl as a where not exists(
        select 1 from tbl as b where b.id=a.id-1) 
     id    rownum
     2    1
     11    2
     27    3
     33    4
     42    5
    endpoinds as
      select id,row_number()over(order by id) as rownum
          from tbl as a where not exists(
        select 1 from tbl as b where b.id=a.id+1)
     id    rownum
     3    1
     13    2
     27    3
     35    4
     42    5
    select s.id as start_range,e.id as end_range
    from startpoints as s
    inner join endpoinds as e
    on e.rownum=s.rownum
 start_range    end_range
 2    3
 11    13
 27    27
 33    35
 42    42



with d as
  select id,(select min(b.id) from tbl b where b.id>=a.id
      and not exists (select * from tbl c where c.id=b.id+1)) as grp
  from tbl a
select min(id) as start_range,max(id) as end_range
from d group by grp
start_range    end_range
2    3
11    13
27    27
33    35
42    42


step 1:按照id顺序计算行号:
   select id ,row_number()over(order by id) as rownum from tbl
id    rownum
2    1
3    2
11    3
12    4
13    5
27    6
33    7
34    8
35    9
42    10
step 2:生成id和行号的差:
   select id,id-row_number()over(order by id) as diff from tbl
id    diff
2    1
3    1
11    8
12    8
13    8
27    21
33    26
34    26
35    26
42    32
step 3:分别取出第二个查询中生成的相同的diff的值的最大id和最小id
    with t as(
      select id,id-row_number()over(order by id) as diff from tbl
    select min(id) as start_range,max(id) as end_range from t
       group by diff
start_range    end_range
2    3
11    13
27    27
33    35
42    42



SQL code

;with ach as
    select 1 as id,100.0000 as num union all
    select 2 ,100.0000 union all
    select 3 ,100.0000 union all
    select 4 ,100.0000 union all
    select 7 ,100.0000 union all
    select 8 ,100.0000 union all
    select 19 ,100.0000 union all
    select 22 ,100.0000 union all
    select 25 ,100.0000 union all
    select 10 ,200.0000 union all
    select 11 ,200.0000 union all
    select 13 ,200.0000 union all
    select 14 ,300.0000 union all
    select 15 ,300.0000 union all
    select 17 ,300.0000
),art as
    select row_number() over (order by getdate()) as rnt,
    from ach
),cte as
    select *,rno=row_number() over (partition by num order by rnt)
    from art

select min(id) minid,max(id) maxid,num
from cte
group by num,id-rno


minid       maxid       num
----------- ----------- ---------------------------------------
1           4           100.0000
7           8           100.0000
10          11          200.0000
13          13          200.0000
19          19          100.0000
14          15          300.0000
22          22          100.0000
17          17          300.0000
25          25