日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20577 次
create table #tmp ( Id int, BatchNo varchar(10), Num int ) insert into #tmp select 1, 'B0001',10 insert into #tmp select 2, 'B0002',10 insert into #tmp select 5, 'B0003',30 insert into #tmp select 9, 'B0004',40 insert into #tmp select 10,'B0005',20 *** *** *** --问题,查询出满足出库数量的批次,比我如出库数量是50, 那么就返回批次Id 1,2,5 --如果出库数量是30,返回批次Id 1,2,5
create table #tmp ( Id int, BatchNo varchar(10), Num int ) insert into #tmp select 1, 'B0001',10 insert into #tmp select 2, 'B0002',10 insert into #tmp select 5, 'B0003',30 insert into #tmp select 9, 'B0004',40 insert into #tmp select 10,'B0005',20 --30 select stuff(( select ',' + CAST(ID AS VARCHAR(10)) from #tmp AS B WHERE B.Id NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM #tmp AS A WHERE 30 <= (SELECT SUM(Num) FROM #tmp AS B WHERE A.Id > B.Id)) for xml path('')),1,1,'') as IDs --结果 IDs 1,2,5 --50 select stuff(( select ',' + CAST(ID AS VARCHAR(10)) from #tmp AS B WHERE B.Id NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM #tmp AS A WHERE 50 <= (SELECT SUM(Num) FROM #tmp AS B WHERE A.Id > B.Id)) for xml path('')),1,1,'') as IDs --结果 IDs 1,2,5
create table t1 ( id int, batchno varchar(10), num int ) insert into t1 select 1, 'B0001',10 insert into t1 select 2, 'B0002',10 insert into t1 select 5, 'B0003',30 insert into t1 select 9, 'B0004',40 insert into t1 select 10,'B0005',20 select * from t1 declare @num int set @num=30 ;with aaa as ( select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id) as rowindex,a.*, (select SUM(num)-@num from t1 where t1.id<=a.id) as num1 from t1 as a ) select id from aaa where rowindex<= (select top 1 rowindex from aaa where num1>=0 order by num1) ------------------------------- id 1 2 5
with tb as( select *,rank()over(order by id) as row,num1=(select (isnull(sum(num),0)) as num from #tmp where id<a.id),num2=(select (sum(num)) as num from #tmp where id<=a.id) from #tmp a ) select id=stuff((select ','+cast(id as varchar(10)) from tb where row<=a.row for xml path('')),1,1,'') from tb a where num1<30 and num2>=30