日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20582 次

急。急。急!!!log explorer4.0.1 无法查看SQL2005日志,报错。
Xp 系统 SQL2005数据库

利用log explorer 查看日志的时候,提示:

The client component failed to attach to the server causes for this failure are listed below:

1 the server-side software was not installed a sufficiently privileged account

2 the mssalqserver serice is not running in a sufficiently privileged account

(it should be running from a local system account or an admin account)

37000 [Microsofr][ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] Failed to convert wide string to multi-byte string Native err:20001

一直操作不了日志来恢复误操作。 用本地系统账户登录,SA账号登录,都不行。

版本换了无数个,都一样。 现在的版本是:4.1.0

好想log explorer只能对2000进行操作,2005和以上版本都不能用