日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20708 次

ID value
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 3
5 3
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 1
11 1
12 3
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 2
18 2
19 3
20 3
21 3
22 3

SQL code

declare @tb table (id int identity, value int);
insert into @tb (value)
 select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all
 select 3 union all select 3 union all select 2 union all
 select 2 union all select 2 union all select 2 union all
 select 1 union all select 1 union all select 3 union all
 select 2 union all select 2 union all select 2 union all 
 select 2 union all select 2 union all select 2 union all 
 select 3 union all select 3 union all select 3 union all 
 select 3;
with t as (
select id,value,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by value order by id)-id grp 
from @tb where value in (1,2)
select value,COUNT(1) cnt from t group by grp,value order by value,MAX(id);
1    3
1    2
2    4
2    6

SQL code
create table tb(ID int,v int)
insert into tb select 1,1 union all select
2,1 union all select
3,1 union all select
4,3 union all select
5,3 union all select
6,2 union all select
7,2 union all select
8,2 union all select
9,2 union all select
10,1 union all select
11,1 union all select
12,3 union all select
13,2 union all select
14,2 union all select
15,2 union all select
16,2 union all select
17,2 union all select
18,2 union all select
19,3 union all select
20,3 union all select
21,3 union all select
select identity(int,1,1) as i,id,v into #t1 from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where v=a.v and id=a.id-1)
select identity(int,1,1) as i,id,v into #t2 from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where v=a.v and id=a.id+1)
select a.v,b.id-a.id+1 as dlt from #t1 a inner join #t2 b on a.i=b.i where a.v<3 order by a.i
drop table tb,#t1,#t2
v           dlt
----------- -----------
1           3
2           4
1           2
2           6

(4 行受影响)