日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20645 次
--> --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id('Tempdb..#T') is null drop table #T Go Create table #T([code] nvarchar(4),[name] nvarchar(3),[total] int) Insert #T select N'0001',N'品名1',10 union all select N'0001',N'品名1',20 union all select N'0002',N'品名2',10 union all select N'0002',N'品名2',20 union all select N'0001',N'品名1',30 Go with a as ( select * from ( select [code],[name],[total],ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by [code] order by row) as Row,ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by [code] order by row) -Row as grp from (Select *,row=ROW_NUMBER()over(order by (select 1)) from #T)t )t2 ) select a.code,a.name,a.total,b.code,b.name,b.total from a left join a as b on a.grp=b.grp and a.code=b.code and a.Row=b.Row-1 where a.Row%2=1 /* code name total code name total 0001 品名1 10 0001 品名1 20 0001 品名1 30 NULL NULL NULL 0002 品名2 10 0002 品名2 20 */
--------------------------------- -- Author: HEROWANG(让你望见影子的墙) -- Date : 2012-04-20 08:15:47 -- blog : blog.csdn.net/herowang --------------------------------- IF OBJECT_ID('[tb]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [tb] go CREATE TABLE [tb] (code VARCHAR(4),name VARCHAR(5),total INT) INSERT INTO [tb] SELECT '0001','品名1',10 UNION ALL SELECT '0001','品名1',20 UNION ALL SELECT '0002','品名2',10 UNION ALL SELECT '0002','品名2',20 UNION ALL SELECT '0001','品名1',30 select * from [tb] go with cte as (select row=row_number() over(partition by code order by getdate() ),* from tb) select * from cte s left join cte t on s.code=t.code and s.row=t.row-1 where s.row %2=1 1 0001 品名1 10 2 0001 品名1 20 3 0001 品名1 30 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0002 品名2 10 2 0002 品名2 20
--2000 可以用这方法,获得序列值;剩下的思路同楼上各位 row= (select Count(1) +1 from tb)
IF OBJECT_ID('[tb]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [tb] go CREATE TABLE [tb] (code VARCHAR(4),name VARCHAR(5),total INT) INSERT INTO [tb] SELECT '0001','品名1',10 UNION ALL SELECT '0001','品名1',20 UNION ALL SELECT '0002','品名2',10 UNION ALL SELECT '0002','品名2',20 UNION ALL SELECT '0001','品名1',30 go alter table tb add id int identity go select s.code,s.name,s.total,t.code,t.name,t.total from ( select row=(select COUNT(1) from tb b where a.code=b.code and b.id<=a.id),* from tb a ) s left join (select row=(select COUNT(1) from tb b where a.code=b.code and b.id<=a.id),* from tb a)t on s.code=t.code and s.row=t.row-1 where s.row %2=1 order by s.code /* code name total code name total 0001 品名1 10 0001 品名1 20 0001 品名1 30 NULL NULL NULL 0002 品名2 10 0002 品名2 20 */ go alter table tb drop column id drop table tb --接楼上测试数据用了。 --TravyLee小号