日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20523 次
create table Grade ( GradeID int identity(1,1) primary key, SNO int, CNO int, Score float ) insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(100,10,100); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(100,11,45); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(100,12,30); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(101,10,87); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(101,11,100); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(101,12,87); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(102,10,87); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(102,11,45); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(102,12,100); insert into Grade(SNO,CNO,Score) values(103,12,50);
create proc [dbo].[Product_Insert] @ProductCategoryID int, @ProductName nvarchar(50), @ProductImage image, @Description text, @Price smallmoney as --Start the transaction begin transaction declare @ProductImageID int insert into ProductImages(ProductImage) values(@ProductImage) --Roll back the transaction if there were any error if @@error<>0 begin --Roll back the transaction rollback --Raise an error and return raiserror('Error insert into ProductImages.',16,1) return end set @ProductImageID=@@identity insert into Products(ProductCategoryID,ProductName,ProductImageID,Description,Price) values(@ProductCategoryID,@ProductName,@ProductImageID,@Description,@Price) --Roll back the transaction if there were any error if @@error<>0 begin --Roll back the transaction rollback --Raise an error and return raiserror('Error insert into Products.',16,1) return end commit
--------------------------------- -- Author: liangCK 小梁 -- Title : 查每个分组前N条记录 -- Date : 2008-11-13 17:19:23 --------------------------------- --> 生成测试数据: #T IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#T') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #T CREATE TABLE #T (ID VARCHAR(3),GID INT,Author VARCHAR(29),Title VARCHAR(39),Date DATETIME) INSERT INTO #T SELECT '001',1,'邹建','深入浅出SQLServer2005开发管理与应用实例','2008-05-10' UNION ALL SELECT '002',1,'胡百敬','SQLServer2005性能调校','2008-03-22' UNION ALL SELECT '003',1,'格罗夫Groff.J.R.','SQL完全手册','2009-07-01' UNION ALL SELECT '004',1,'KalenDelaney','SQLServer2005技术内幕存储引擎','2008-08-01' UNION ALL SELECT '005',2,'Alex.Kriegel.Boris.M.Trukhnov','SQL宝典','2007-10-05' UNION ALL SELECT '006',2,'飞思科技产品研发中心','SQLServer2000高级管理与开发','2007-09-10' UNION ALL SELECT '007',2,'胡百敬','SQLServer2005数据库开发详解','2008-06-15' UNION ALL SELECT '008',3,'陈浩奎','SQLServer2000存储过程与XML编程','2005-09-01' UNION ALL SELECT '009',3,'赵松涛','SQLServer2005系统管理实录','2008-10-01' UNION ALL SELECT '010',3,'黄占涛','SQL技术手册','2006-01-01' --SQL查询如下: --按GID分组,查每个分组中Date最新的前2条记录 --1.字段ID唯一时: SELECT * FROM #T AS T WHERE ID IN(SELECT TOP 2 ID FROM #T WHERE GID=T.GID ORDER BY Date DESC) --2.如果ID不唯一时: SELECT * FROM #T AS T WHERE 2>(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #T WHERE GID=T.GID AND Date>T.Date) --SQL Server 2005 使用新方法 --3.使用ROW_NUMBER()进行排位分组 SELECT ID,GID,Author,Title,Date FROM ( SELECT rid=ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY GID ORDER BY Date DESC),* FROM #T ) AS T WHERE rid<=2 --4.使用APPLY SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM #T AS a CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP(2) * FROM #T WHERE a.GID=GID ORDER BY Date DESC ) AS b --结果 /* ID GID Author Title Date ---- ----------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------