日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20574 次

create table djjx
djbh varchar(20), --单据编号 key
spid varchar(20), --商品ID
shl int --数量
insert into djjx values('dj0001','sp0001',300)
insert into djjx values('dj0001','sp0002',100)
create table sphwph 
spid varchar(20), --商品ID key
hw varchar(20), --货位 key
ph varchar(20), --批号 key
shl int --数量
insert into sphwph values('sp0001','hw0001','ph001',50)
insert into sphwph values('sp0001','hw0001','ph002',40)
insert into sphwph values('sp0001','hw0002','ph002',90)
insert into sphwph values('sp0001','hw0003','ph003',500)
insert into sphwph values('sp0001','hw0004','ph005',1000)
insert into sphwph values('sp0002','hw0001','ph006',90)
insert into sphwph values('sp0002','hw0002','ph009',100)

djbh spid hw ph shl
dj0001 sp0001 hw001 ph001 50
dj0001 sp0001 hw001 ph002 40
dj0001 sp0001 hw002 ph002 90
dj0001 sp0001 hw003 ph003 120
dj0001 sp0002 hw001 ph006 90
dj0001 sp0002 hw002 ph009 10  

SQL code
;with TT
as(select sphwph.*,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by spid order by getdate()) as nn from sphwph),

T1 as(
select B.spid,B.hw,b.ph,b.shl,SUM(C.shl) as N1
from TT B
inner join TT C on B.spid = C.spid and C.nn <=B.nn
group by B.spid,B.hw,b.ph,b.shl),

T2 as (
select B.spid,B.hw,b.ph,b.shl
from djjx A
inner join T1 B on A.spid = B.spid and B.N1<A.shl)

select *
from T2
union all

select distinct Z2.spid,Z2.hw,Z2.ph,Z.shl - (select SUM(shl) from T2 where spid = Z2.spid) as shl
from (
select B.spid,B.hw,b.ph,A.shl
from djjx A
inner join T1 B on A.spid = B.spid and B.N1>A.shl) Z
cross apply(select top 1  Z1.spid,Z1.hw,Z1.ph,Z1.shl 
                from (select B.spid,B.hw,b.ph,b.shl
                        from djjx A
                            inner join T1 B on A.spid = B.spid 
                            and B.N1>A.shl) Z1 
                where Z1.spid = Z.spid 
                order by spid,hw,ph asc) Z2
spid                 hw                   ph                   shl
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------
sp0001               hw0001               ph001                50
sp0001               hw0001               ph002                40
sp0001               hw0002               ph002                90
sp0002               hw0001               ph006                90
sp0001               hw0003               ph003                120
sp0002               hw0002               ph009                10

(6 行受影响)

SQL code
with tableA as (
select b.*,a.hw,a.ph,a.shl as shla,rank() over(partition by a.spid order by hw,ph) as row from
 sphwph a join djjx b on a.spid=b.spid
select y.djbh,y.spid,y.hw,y.ph, shl=(case when shl1>0 then y.shla else shl2 end) from (select *,
shl1=(select shl-sum(shla)from tableA a where a.spid=b.spid and a.row<=b.row group by shl),
shl2=(select shl-sum(shla)from tableA a where a.spid=b.spid and a.row<b.row group by shl)
 from  tableA b )y join tableA x on x.spid=y.spid and x.row=y.row 
where (case when shl1>0 then y.shla else shl2 end)>=0

SQL code

create table djjx
djbh varchar(20), --单据编号 key
spid varchar(20), --商品ID
shl int --数量
insert into djjx values('dj0001','sp0001',300)
insert into djjx values('dj0001','sp0002',100)
create table sphwph  
spid varchar(20), --商品ID key
hw varchar(20), --货位 key
ph varchar(20), --批号 key
shl int --数量
insert into sphwph values('sp0001','hw0001','ph001'