日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20768 次
select COUNT(1) c, (case Professional when '' then ' ' when '电测' then '电测' when '电能' then '电能' when '电能/互感器' then '电能/互感器' when '高压' then '高压' when '热工' then '热工' else '其它' end) as Professional from device where classfication='mStandard' and ParentID is null group by Professional
c Professional 4 16 电测 8 电能 2 电能/互感器 3 高压 14 热工
create table tb(姓名 varchar(10) , 课程 varchar(10) , 分数 int) insert into tb values('张三' , '语文' , 74) insert into tb values('张三' , '数学' , 83) insert into tb values('张三' , '物理' , 93) insert into tb values('李四' , '语文' , 74) insert into tb values('李四' , '数学' , 84) insert into tb values('李四' , '物理' , 94) go declare @sql varchar(8000) set @sql = 'select 姓名' select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case 课程 when ''' + 课程+ ''' then 分数 else 0 end) [' + 课程+ ']' from (select distinct 课程 from tb) as a set @sql = @sql + ' from tb group by 姓名' exec(@sql) /* 姓名 数学 物理 语文 ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 李四 84 94 74 张三 83 93 74 */
right join TB
select COUNT(1) c, (case when device.Professional is null then '其它' when device.Professional='' then ' ' else TB.Professional end) as Professional from device right join TB on device.Professional = TB.Professional where classfication='mStandard' and ParentID is null group by device.Professional
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql='select COUNT(1) c'
select @sql=@sql+', max(case Professional when '''+Professional+''' then '''+Professional+''' else 其它 end) ['+ Professional+']'
from (select distinct Professional from device where ParentID is null) as a
set @sql=@sql+' group by Professional'