日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20517 次

SQL ,鸟查询。问题很简单,就是想不出来
SQL code

id          a           b           c
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1           2           3           4
1           3           5           4
1           3           7           4
1           3           7           8

2           2           3           4
2           5           3           8
2           5           3           8
2           7           3           8
2           1           9           9

(9 行受影响)

抓出除最大值以外的数据。就是把每个字段的最大值拿掉,按ID分组,也就是说A列有两个最大值。3和7 以此类推

SQL code

create table #test (id int, a int, b int , c int)
insert #test select 1,2,3,4 union all 
select 1,3,5,4 union all
select 1,3,7,4 union all
select 1,3,7,8 union all 
select 2,2,3,4 union all 
select 2,5,3,8 union all 
select 2,5,3,8 union all 
select 2,7,3,8 union all
select 2,1,9,9


SQL code

create table tLife
id int,
a int,
b int,
c int

insert into tLife 
select 1        ,   2,           3,           4 union all
select 1        ,   3,           5,           4 union all
select 1        ,   3,           7,           4 union all
select 1        ,   3,           7,           8 union all
select 2        ,   2,           3,           4 union all
select 2        ,   5,           3,           8 union all
select 2        ,   5,           3,           8 union all
select 2        ,   7,           3,           8 union all
select 2        ,   1,           9,           9

select * from tLife
select *
from tLife t
where not exists (select 1 from tLife where id = t.id and a+b+c > t.a+t.b+t.c)

drop table tLife


id          a           b           c
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1           2           3           4
1           3           5           4
1           3           7           4
2           2           3           4
2           5           3           8
2           7           3           8

(6 行受影响)

SQL code
select A.*
from #test A
inner join (select id,max(a) as a from #test group by id) T on A.a <> T.a and A.id =T.id
inner join (select id,max(b) as b from #test group by id) T1 on A.b <> T1.b and A.id =T1.id
inner join (select id,max(c) as c from #test group by id) T2 on A.c <> T2.c and A.id =T2.id

1    2    3    4
2    2    3    4
2    5    3    8
2    5    3    8*/