日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20411 次

Tsql 里关于*= 和=*的问题
在老版的tsql里会出现想*= 和=*的语句,在本意是在代表左联及右联。
我们最近在做DB的升级 要升级到mssql2008。 所以要对老的sp进行修改。
其中一想就是吧*=和=*改为left和right jion。

From table1 pl,
  table2 pe,
  table3 ch,
  table4 cp
 Where (pe.dt >= @dt and
  pe.dt <= @dt_end )
  and (cp.name = ‘source' and
  pe.s *= cp.s)
  and (ch.name = 'status' and
  pe.hr_status_cd *= ch.code)


SQL code
From table1 pl,
  table2 pe,
  table3 ch,
  table4 cp
 Where (pe.dt >= @dt and
  pe.dt <= @dt_end )
  and (cp.name = ‘source' and
  pe.s *= cp.s)
  and (ch.name = 'status' and
  pe.hr_status_cd *= ch.code)'
  from table1 pl
  inner join Table2 pe on --??? 这个地方,应该有跟pl的连接关系
  left join table3 ch on pe.hr_status_cd = ch.code
  left join table4 cp on pe.s = cp.s
  where ch.name ='status'
  and cp.name ='source'
  and pe.dt >=@dt 
  and pe.dt <=@dt_end

SQL code

  from table1 pl
  inner join Table2 pe on 1=1 --没有明确关系,可以用1=1代替
  left join table3 ch on pe.hr_status_cd = ch.code
  left join table4 cp on pe.s = cp.s
  where ch.name ='status'
  and cp.name ='source'
  and pe.dt >=@dt 
  and pe.dt <=@dt_end