日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20652 次
select col1,col2 from (select col1,col2,count(1) as cnt from b group by col1,col2)t where cnt=(select top count(1) from tb group by col1,col2 order by count(1) desc)
with cte as ( select col1,col2,count(0) cts from b group by col1,col2 ) select col1,col2 from cte a where cts=(select max(cts) from cte where col1=a.col1)
; with f as ( select col1,col2,COUNT(1) as num from tb group by col1,col2 ) select col1,col2 from f t where num=(select MAX(num) from f where col1=t.col1) order by 1
select VIN,维修类型 from tb a group by VIN,维修类型 havving count(*) >all ( select count(*) from tb b where a.VIN=b.VIN group by VIN 维修类型 )
select VIN,维修类型 from tb a group by VIN,维修类型 having count(*) >all ( select count(*) from tb b where a.VIN=b.VIN group by VIN 维修类型 )
select VIN,维修类型 from tb a group by VIN,维修类型 having count(*) >=all ( select count(*) from tb b where a.VIN=b.VIN group by VIN 维修类型 )
CREATE TABLE VIN(car VARCHAR(10),col CHAR(1)) INSERT dbo.VIN SELECT 'car-1', 'A' UNION ALL SELECT 'car-1', 'A' UNION ALL SELECT 'car-1', 'B' UNION ALL SELECT 'car-1', 'C' UNION ALL SELECT 'car-2', 'A' UNION ALL SELECT 'car-2', 'C' UNION ALL SELECT 'car-2', 'C' ; WITH cte AS ( SELECT car , col , COUNT(col) AS [count] FROM dbo.VIN GROUP BY car , col ) SELECT a.car , a.col FROM cte a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM cte WHERE car = a.car AND [count] > a.[count] ) DROP TABLE dbo.VIN /* car col ---------- ---- car-1 A car-2 C (2 行受影响) */
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#t') is not null drop table #t create table #t (VIN varchar(5),Cate varchar(1)) insert into #t select 'car-1','A' union all select 'car-1','A' union all select 'car-1','B' union all select 'car-1','C' union all select 'car-2','A' union all select 'car-2','C' union all select 'car-2','C' SELECT DISTINCT VIN,CATE FROM ( SELECT VIN,CATE,MAXCS,MAX (MAXCS)OVER(PARTITION BY VIN) F1 FROM ( SELECT *,COUNT (1) OVER (PARTITION BY VIN,CATE ) MAXCS FROM #t)A)G WHERE MAXCS=F1