日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20515 次
--> 测试数据:[tbla] if object_id('[tbla]') is not null drop table [tbla] create table [tbla]([a_id] int,[a_name] varchar(4)) insert [tbla] select 1,'苹果' union all select 2,'橘子' union all select 3,'香蕉' --> 测试数据:[tblb] if object_id('[tblb]') is not null drop table [tblb] create table [tblb]([b_id] int,[b_name] varchar(6),[b_num] int,[a_id] int) insert [tblb] select 1,'苹果一',10,1 union all select 2,'苹果二',20,1 union all select 3,'橘子',30,2 union all select 4,'香蕉一',40,3 union all select 5,'香蕉二',50,3 select d.[b_id],e.* from( select [a_name],MAX([b_num]) [b_num] from( select b.[b_id],a.[a_name],b.[b_num] from tblb b full join tbla a on a.a_id=b.a_id)c group by [a_name])e inner join (select b.[b_id],a.[a_name],b.[b_num] from tblb b full join tbla a on a.a_id=b.a_id)d on d.a_name=e.a_name and d.b_num=e.b_num /* b_id a_name b_num 2 苹果 20 3 橘子 30 5 香蕉 50 */
select a.a_id, a.a_name, max(b.b_sum) from tbla a inner join tblb b on a.a_id = b.a_id group by a.a_id, a.a_name order by a.a_id
select * from 产品详细表 a where not exists(select * from 产品详细表 b where a.a_id =b.a_id and a.b_num <b.b_num )
select * from b b1 not exists
select 1 from b b2 where b1.a_id=b2.a_id and b1.b_num<b2.b_num