日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20562 次
select * from 订单主表Order where orderID in( select orderID from ( select r = row_number() over(partition by 商品ID order by 商品ID), orderID, 商品ID from 明细表Detail where 商品ID in('A','B','C') group by orderID, 商品ID ) a where a.r=3 )
with D1 as(
select distinct orderid,ProductID from details
,D2 as (
select *
from D1 t1
where exists (select 1 from D1 where D1.ProductID=1)
and exists (select 1 from D1 where D1.ProductID=2)
and exists (select 1 from D1 where D1.ProductID=3)
and (select COUNT(*) from D1 where orderid=t1.orderid)=3
select * from [orders] where orderid in (select orderid from D2)
SELECT a.* FROM [Orders] a INNER JOIN [Details] b ON a.orderID=b.OrderID INNER JOIN [products] c ON b.productid=c.productid WHERE c.productName IN ('A','B','C')
;with ach as ( select a.orderid,sum(case when b.productid in (1101,1102) then 1 else 0 end) cnt, count(b.id) tnum from Orders a join Details b on a.orderid = b.orderid group by a.orderid ) select orderid from ach where cnt = tnum and cnt = 2 -- A B C 就把in里面的改了,2改为3