日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20591 次

SQL code
use sh2
select *,(convert(varchar,(cast(
(convert(decimal,zs)*3)*100 as decimal(15,2))))+'%')
as myd1,(cast(
(convert(decimal,zs)*3)*100 as decimal(15,2))) as myd,
(convert(varchar,(convert(decimal(10,2),round(ywc*1.00/zs,2))*100))+'%') as wcl,
(convert(varchar,(convert(decimal(10,2),round(yuqi*1.00/zs,2))*100))+'%') as yql

 from  (
count(b.id) as zs,
(select name from zu where id=a.zu) as name , 
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where (typeid=4 ) and service=a.serviceid) as ywc,  
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where (typeid<>4 ) and (typeid<>7) and service=a.serviceid) as clz, 
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where (typeid=7 ) and service=a.serviceid) as dfk,
( select count(*) from wenti where service=a.serviceid and jhwctime<date7 and typeid<>6 and typeid<>5) as yuqi,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=1) as pg1,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=2) as pg2,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=3) as pg3,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=4)as pg4,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=5) as pg5,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=6) as pg6 

from service as a left join wenti as b on a.serviceid=b.service where b.id>0 and b.adddate between '2012-3-1' and'2012-4-9'
group by a.serviceid,a.xm,a.zu ) as table1 order by zu, myd desc

现在的问题是 查询时没有能显示查询中的dfk,ywc,clz这些字段的在3月1日和4月9日的记录,还是显示的是全部记录

只根据日期限定到了查询中的字段zs 的个数,然后我试着这样写
SQL code
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where (typeid=4 ) and service=a.serviceid and b.adddate between '2012-3-1' and'2012-4-9') as ywc,  

报错 选择列表中的列 'wenti.adddate' 无效,因为该列没有包含在聚合函数或 GROUP BY 子句中。


SQL code

(select name from zu where id=a.zu) as name , 
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where (typeid=4 ) and service=a.serviceid) as ywc,  
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where (typeid<>4 ) and (typeid<>7) and service=a.serviceid) as clz, 
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where (typeid=7 ) and service=a.serviceid) as dfk,
( select count(*) from wenti where service=a.serviceid and jhwctime<date7 and typeid<>6 and typeid<>5) as yuqi,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=1) as pg1,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=2) as pg2,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=3) as pg3,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=4)as pg4,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=5) as pg5,
(select count(wenti.id) from wenti where typeid=4 and service=a.serviceid and pg=6) as pg6


SQL code
use sh2
select *,