日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20506 次
use DBTest go if OBJECT_ID('tabTest') is not null drop table tabTest go create table tabTest ( Province int, City int, Area int, AreaName nvarchar(50), UserName nvarchar(50) ) insert into tabTest select 13,1301,130100,'市局1','测试员1' union all select 13,1301,130100,'市局1','测试员2' union all select 13,1301,130101,'第一分局','测试员2' union all select 13,1302,130200,'市局2','测试员4' union all select 13,1302,130200,'市局2','测试员4' go create function GetNames(@Province int,@City int,@Area int,@AreaName nvarchar(50)) returns nvarchar(800) as begin declare @s nvarchar(800) set @s= '' select @s=@s + ','+UserName from tabTest where Province=@Province and City=@City and Area=@Area and AreaName=@AreaName return substring(@s,2,len(@s)-1) end go SELECT Province,City,Area,AreaName,dbo.GetNames(Province,City,Area,AreaName) as Names FROM tabTest group by Province,City,Area,AreaName
--> 测试数据:[tbl] if object_id('[tbl]') is not null drop table [tbl] create table [tbl]([省] int,[市] int,[县区] int,[县区名称] varchar(8),[人员] varchar(7)) insert [tbl] select 13,1301,130100,'市局1','测试员1' union all select 13,1301,130100,'市局1','测试员2' union all select 13,1301,130101,'第一分局','测试员3' union all select 13,1302,130200,'市局2','测试员4' union all select 13,1302,130200,'市局2','测试员5' SELECT *FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [省],[市],[县区],[县区名称] FROM tbl)A OUTER APPLY( SELECT [人员]= STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE( ( SELECT [人员] FROM tbl N WHERE [省]= A.[省] AND [市]=A.市 AND [县区]=A.县区 AND [县区名称]=A.县区名称 FOR XML AUTO ), '<N 人员="', ' '), '"/>', ''), 1, 1, '') )N /* 省 市 县区 县区名称 人员 13 1301 130100 市局1 测试员1 测试员2 13 1301 130101 第一分局 测试员3 13 1302 130200 市局2 测试员4 测试员5 */
create table [tb](cola varchar(8),colb varchar(8),colc varchar(8),cold varchar(8),cole varchar(7)) insert [tb] select '13','1301','130100','市局1','测试员1' union all select '13','1301','130100','市局1','测试员2' union all select '13','1301','130101','第一分局','测试员3' union all select '13','1302','130200','市局2','测试员4' union all select '13','1302','130200','市局2','测试员5' go select *,rid=identity(int,1,1) into #tb from tb order by cola,colb,colc,cold select (case when (select count(*) from #tb where cola=t.cola and rid<=t.rid)=1 then cola else '' end) cola, (case when (select count(*) from #tb where cola=t.cola and colb=t.colb and rid<=t.rid)=1 then colb else '' end) colb, (case when (select count(*) from #tb where cola=t.cola and colb=t.colb and colc=t.colc and rid<=t.rid)=1 then colc else '' end) colc, (case when (select count(*) from #tb where cola=t.cola and colb=t.colb and colc=t.colc and cold=t.cold and rid<=t.rid)=1 then cold else '' end) cold, cole from #tb t drop table tb,#tb /***************************************** cola colb colc cold cole -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 13 1301 130100 市局1 测试员1 测试员2 130101 第一分局 测试员3 1302 130200 市局2 测试员4 测试员5 (5 行受影响)