日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20499 次
go reate trigger tri_tracy on table for insert as if exists(select 1 from(select a.*,a.TYPE,a.MOD from inserted a inner join table1 b )d where qty<0.1 and type='b') begin declare @str varchar(10) select @str=ltrim(id) from(select a.*,a.TYPE,a.MOD from inserted a inner join table1 b )d where qty<0.1 and type='b' print '请删除'+@str end
--> 测试数据:[table1] if object_id('[table1]') is not null drop table [table1] create table [table1]([ID] int,[TYPE] varchar(1),[MOD] varchar(3)) insert [table1] select 1,'A','001' union all select 2,'B','002' union all select 3,'C','003' --> 测试数据:[table2] if object_id('[table2]') is not null drop table [table2] create table [table2]([ID] int,[QTY] numeric(3,2)) go if OBJECT_ID('tri_tracy') is not null drop trigger tri_tracy go create trigger tri_tracy on table2 for insert as if exists(select 1 from(select a.*,b.[TYPE],b.[MOD] from inserted a inner join table1 b on a.id=b.id)d where qty<0.1 and [type]='b') begin declare @str varchar(10) select @str=ltrim(id) from(select a.*,b.[TYPE],b.[MOD] from inserted a inner join table1 b on a.id=b.id)d where qty<0.1 and [type]='b' print '请删除'+@str end insert [table2] select 1,0.09 union all select 2,0.09 union all select 3,0.4 /* 请删除2 (3 行受影响) */