日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20652 次
The OLE Regex Find (Execute) function ----------------------------- This is the most powerful function for doing complex finding and replacing of text. As it passes back detailed records of the hits, including the location and the backreferences, it allows for complex manipulations. */ IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.RegexFind') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.RegexFind GO create function RegexFind( @pattern VARCHAR(255), @matchstring VARCHAR(8000), @global BIT = 1, @Multiline bit =1) returns @result TABLE ( Match_ID INT, FirstIndex INT , length INT , Value VARCHAR(2000), Submatch_ID INT, SubmatchValue VARCHAR(2000), Error Varchar(255) ) AS -- columns returned by the function begin DECLARE @objRegexExp INT, @objErrorObject INT, @objMatch INT, @objSubMatches INT, @strErrorMessage VARCHAR(255), @error varchar(255), @Substituted VARCHAR(8000), @hr INT, @matchcount INT, @SubmatchCount INT, @ii INT, @jj INT, @FirstIndex INT, @length INT, @Value VARCHAR(2000), @SubmatchValue VARCHAR(2000), @objSubmatchValue INT, @command VARCHAR(8000), @Match_ID INT DECLARE @match TABLE ( Match_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, FirstIndex INT NOT NULL, length INT NOT NULL, Value VARCHAR(2000) ) DECLARE @Submatch TABLE ( Submatch_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), match_ID INT NOT NULL, SubmatchNo INT NOT NULL, SubmatchValue VARCHAR(2000) ) SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'creating a regex object',@error='' EXEC @hr= sp_OACreate 'VBScript.RegExp', @objRegexExp OUT IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Setting the Regex pattern', @objErrorObject = @objRegexExp IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'Pattern', @pattern IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Specifying a case-insensitive match' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'IgnoreCase', 1 IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'MultiLine', @Multiline IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'Global', @global IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Doing a match' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAMethod @objRegexExp, 'execute', @objMatch OUT, @matchstring IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the number of matches' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, 'count', @matchcount OUT SELECT @ii = 0 WHILE @hr = 0 AND @ii < @Matchcount BEGIN /*The Match object has four read-only properties. The FirstIndex property indicates the number of characters in the string to the left of the match. The Length property of the Match object indicates the number of characters in the match. The Value property returns the text that was matched.*/ SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the FirstIndex property', @command = 'item(' + CAST(@ii AS VARCHAR) + ').FirstIndex' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, @command, @Firstindex OUT IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the length property', @command = 'item(' + CAST(@ii AS VARCHAR) + ').Length' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, @command, @Length OUT IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getti