一样语句 T-SQL执行结果和asp里面执行结果不一样 SQL语句 SELECT distinct top 300 [word] FROM [AriDic].[dbo].[lib] where word>='x' T-SQL执行 正常 显示了所有数据
asp程序里面 用同样的语句 结果只有三行 是 x X being the o X certificate
符合条件的原始数据 word 类型varchar(500) word x x x x x x x x x x x X x X being the o X certificate X chromosome x è maggiore o uguale a y X e Y sono arrivati a pari merito X is kind to your skin X is twice the l X legs X marks X rated X ray x ray X Windows x x x x y diagram X, or Xanadu Xanax xantato xantato xanteina xantelasma xantene xantene xantenico xantenico xanthate xanthein xanthein .........