日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20639 次
select b.Knowledge,c.LectureTitle,a.StudyNum ,(select COUNT(*) from studyDBNew.dbo.tblUserStudyRecord as r where r.UserId = 'test' and r.LectureGuid = c.LectureGuid) as userNum ,(select LoreTitle+' ' from studyDBNew.dbo.tblLectureLore as i left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblCourseLore as ii on i.LoreId = ii.CourseLoreId where c.LectureGuid = i.LectureGuid for XML path('') ) as lore ,c.LectureContent,c.LectureId,a.aid,c.ToUrl2 from studyDBNew.dbo.tblCourseWare as a left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblKnowledge as b on a.CourseWareGuid = b.CourseWareGuid left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblLectures as c on b.KnowledgeGuid = c.KnowledgeGuid where a.CourseWareId =628 and isnull(LectureId,'')<>'' order by b.Sort,c.Sort
SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY b.Sort,c.sort) Row, b.Knowledge,c.LectureTitle,a.StudyNum ,(select COUNT(*) from studyDBNew.dbo.tblUserStudyRecord as r where r.UserId = 'test' and r.LectureGuid = c.LectureGuid) as userNum ,(select LoreTitle+' ' from studyDBNew.dbo.tblLectureLore as i left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblCourseLore as ii on i.LoreId = ii.CourseLoreId where c.LectureGuid = i.LectureGuid for XML path('') ) as lore ,c.LectureContent,c.LectureId,a.aid,c.Sort from studyDBNew.dbo.tblCourseWare as a left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblKnowledge as b on a.CourseWareGuid = b.CourseWareGuid left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblLectures as c on b.KnowledgeGuid = c.KnowledgeGuid where a.CourseWareId =628 and isnull(LectureId,'')<>'' ) TMP WHERE Row>0 AND Row<=10
SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY b.Sort,c.sort) Row, b.Knowledge,c.LectureTitle,a.StudyNum ,(select COUNT(*) from studyDBNew.dbo.tblUserStudyRecord as r where -- r.UserId = 'test' and r.LectureGuid = c.LectureGuid) as userNum ,(select LoreTitle+' ' from studyDBNew.dbo.tblLectureLore as i left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblCourseLore as ii on i.LoreId = ii.CourseLoreId where c.LectureGuid = i.LectureGuid for XML path('') ) as lore ,c.LectureContent,c.LectureId,a.aid,c.Sort from studyDBNew.dbo.tblCourseWare as a left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblKnowledge as b on a.CourseWareGuid = b.CourseWareGuid left join studyDBNew.dbo.tblLectures as c on b.KnowledgeGuid = c.KnowledgeGuid where a.CourseWareId =628 and isnull(LectureId,'')<>'' ) TMP WHERE Row>0 AND Row<=10