日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20657 次
--2005 cte ;with cte as ( select fid,fparentid from tb where fid = 3 --查询节点 union all select a.fid,a.fparentid from tb a join tb b on a.fparentid = b.id where a.id is not null ) select * from cte
给你个 函数 CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_getsubtree](@empid AS INT) RETURNS @TREE TABLE ( empid INT NOT NULL ,empname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL ,mgrid INT NULL ,lvl INT NOT NULL ) AS BEGIN WITH Employees_Subtree(empid, empname, mgrid, lvl) AS ( SELECT empid, empname, mgrid, 0 FROM Employees WHERE empid = @empid UNION all SELECT e.empid, e.empname, e.mgrid, es.lvl+1 FROM Employees AS e JOIN Employees_Subtree AS es ON e.mgrid = es.empid ) INSERT INTO @TREE SELECT * FROM Employees_Subtree; RETURN END
-->Title:Generating test data -->Author:wufeng4552 -->Date :2009-09-30 08:52:38 set nocount on if object_id('tb','U')is not null drop table tb go create table tb(ID int, ParentID int) insert into tb select 1,0 insert into tb select 2,1 insert into tb select 3,1 insert into tb select 4,2 insert into tb select 5,3 insert into tb select 6,5 insert into tb select 7,6 -->Title:查找指定節點下的子結點 if object_id('Uf_GetChildID')is not null drop function Uf_GetChildID go create function Uf_GetChildID(@ParentID int) returns @t table(ID int) as begin insert @t select ID from tb where ParentID=@ParentID while @@rowcount<>0 begin insert @t select a.ID from tb a inner join @t b on a.ParentID=b.id and not exists(select 1 from @t where id=a.id) end return end go select * from dbo.Uf_GetChildID(5) /* ID ----------- 6 7 */ -->Title:查找指定節點的所有父結點 if object_id('Uf_GetParentID')is not null drop function Uf_GetParentID go create function Uf_GetParentID(@ID int) returns @t table(ParentID int) as begin insert @t select ParentID from tb where ID=@ID while @@rowcount!=0 begin insert @t select a.ParentID from tb a inner join @t b on a.id=b.ParentID and not exists(select 1 from @t where ParentID=a.ParentID) end return end go select * from dbo.Uf_GetParentID(2) /* ParentID ----------- 1 0 */ USE tempdb GO -- 建立演示环境 CREATE TABLE Dept( id int PRIMARY KEY, parent_id int, name nvarchar(20)) INSERT Dept SELECT 0, 0, N'<全部>' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 0, N'财务部' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 0, N'行政部' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 0, N'业务部' UNION ALL SELECT 4, 0, N'业务部' UNION ALL SELECT 5, 4, N'销售部' UNION ALL SELECT 6, 4, N'MIS' UNION ALL SELECT 7, 6, N'UI' UNION ALL SELECT 8, 6, N'软件开发' UNION ALL SELECT 9, 8, N'内部开发' GO -- 查询指定部门下面的所有部门 DECLARE @Dept_name nvarchar(20) SET @Dept_name = N'MIS' ;WITH DEPTS AS( -- 定位点成员 SELECT * FROM Dept WHERE name = @Dept_name UNION ALL -- 递归成员, 通过引用CTE自身与Dept基表JOIN实现递归 SELECT A.* FROM Dept A, DEPTS B WHERE A.parent_id = B.id ) SELECT * FROM DEPTS GO -- 删除演示环境 DROP TABLE Dept ----CTE的综合应用 USE tempdb GO -- 建立演示环境 CREATE TABLE Dept( id int PRIMARY KEY, parent_id int, name nvarchar(20)) INSERT Dept SELECT 0, 0, N'<全部>' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 0, N'财务部' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 0, N'行政部' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 0, N'业务部' UNION ALL SELECT 4, 0, N