日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20542 次
create table tb(z1 datetime,z2 datetime,z3 int) insert into tb values('2010-07-22 14:55:05.033', '2010-09-15 18:48:12.000', 3) insert into tb values('2010-07-22 14:57:20.313', '2010-10-26 05:36:00.087', 4) go select dt , count(1) cnt from ( select convert(varchar(7),dateadd(mm,num,z1),120) dt , z3 from tb, (select isnull((select count(1) from sysobjects where id<t.id),0) as num from sysobjects t) a where convert(varchar(7),dateadd(mm,num,z1),120)<=convert(varchar(7),z2,120) ) t group by dt , z3 drop table tb /* dt cnt ------- ----------- 2010-07 1 2010-08 1 2010-09 1 2010-07 1 2010-08 1 2010-09 1 2010-10 1 (所影响的行数为 7 行) */
--> 测试数据:[tbl] if object_id('[tbl]') is not null drop table [tbl] create table [tbl]([z1] datetime,[z2] datetime,[z3] int) insert [tbl] select '2010-07-22 14:55:05.033','2010-09-15 18:48:12.000',3 union all select '2010-07-22 14:57:20.313','2010-10-26 05:36:00.087',4 ;with t as( select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by getdate()) as id, * from tbl ), m as( select id,z1 from t union all select id,dateadd(month,1,a.z1) from m a where not exists(select z2 from t b where b.z2=DATEADD(MONTH,1,a.z1) ) and month(a.z1)<(select MONTH(z2) from t where t.id=a.id) ) select CONVERT(varchar(7),z1,120) as 月份,COUNT(*) as 次数 from m group by CONVERT(varchar(7),z1,120) order by CONVERT(varchar(7),z1,120) /* 月份 次数 2010-07 2 2010-08 2 2010-09 2 2010-10 1 */
----创建测试数据表 create table #表a (z1 datetime, z2 datetime, z3 int ) ----建立测试数据 insert into #表a(z1,z2,z3) values('2010-07-22 14:55:05.033','2010-09-15 18:48:12.000',3) insert into #表a(z1,z2,z3) values('2010-07-22 14:57:20.313','2010-10-26 05:36:00.087',4) ----select * from #表a ---建立月分解数据表 create table #month_def (mon datetime, z1 datetime, z2 datetime, z3 int) ---设置查询时间段 declare @st_dt datetime declare @en_dt datetime select @st_dt = MIN(z1) from #表a select @en_dt = MAX(z2) from #表a declare @month_dt datetime select @month_dt = @st_dt ---用循环分解数据到月 while DATEDIFF(MONTH,@en_dt,@month_dt)<=0 begin insert into #month_def(mon,z1,z2,z3) select cast((cast(DATEPART(year,@month_dt) as char(4)) +'-'+ cast(DATEPART(MONTH,@month_dt)as CHAR(2)) + '-01') as datetime), z1,z2,z3 from #表a where DATEDIFF(MONTH,z1,@month_dt)>=0 and DATEDIFF(MONTH,z2,@month_dt)<=0 set @month_dt = dateadd(month,1,@month_dt) end ---select * from #month_def ----统计合计结果 select mon,sum(c_n) from (select mon,z3/(DATEDIFF(MONTH,z1,z2)+1) as c_n from #month_def) month_def group by mon /**** 2010-07-01 00:00:00.000 2 2010-08-01 00:00:00.000 2 2010-09-01 00:00:00.000 2 2010-10-01 00:00:00.000 1 ****/