日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20524 次
create table bitlstb1 (id int primary key,sku int,batchno varchar(8),qty int,ordqty int,volume numeric(6,5)) insert into bitlstb1 select 1,180050,'dy101110',12,1,0.0351 union all select 2,180050,'dy111117',14,1,0.075 union all select 3,180050,'dy111108',18,9,2.5 go --测试数据表2 create table bitlstb2(sku int,qty int) insert into bitlstb2 select 180050,20 --测试数据表3 create table bitlstb3 (id int primary key,sku int,batchno varchar(8),qty int,ordqty int,volume numeric(6,5)) go --创建一个存储过程 create proc updateqty(@p int) as begin --得到发货数量 declare @qty int select @qty=qty from bitlstb2 where sku=@p declare @j varchar(20);declare @k int --逐行更新 ;with maco as ( select * from bitlstb1 where sku=@p), maco1 as(select *,zqty=(select sum(qty) from maco where batchno<=a.batchno) from maco a) select top 1 @j=batchno,@k=zqty-@qty from maco1 where zqty>=@qty order by batchno update bitlstb1 set qty=@k where batchno=@j and sku=@p update bitlstb1 set qty=0 where sku=@p and batchno<@j and sku=@p end go declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql='' select @sql=@sql+' exec updateqty '+ltrim(sku)+';' from bitlstb2 exec(@sql) --bitlstb1 数据! /* id sku batchno qty ordqty volume ----------- ----------- -------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------- 1 180050 dy101110 12 1 0.03510 2 180050 dy111117 14 1 0.07500 3 180050 dy111108 18 9 2.50000 */ --bitlstb2 数据! /*sku qty 180050 20 */ --上面的存储过程没有问题,能按batchno字段升序得出正常的结果,现在需要把更新了那些数据插入到bitlstb3 --需要得到的结果bitlstb3 /* id sku batchno qty ordqty volume 1 180050 dy101110 0 1 0.0351 3 180050 dy111108 10 9 2.5 2 180050 dy111117 14 1 0.075 */ go
--小爱之前写过一个比我这个效率高很多的,改一下就插入插入表3了。 --> 测试数据:[TB1] if object_id('[TB1]') is not null drop table [TB1] go create table [TB1]([SKU] int,[BatchNo] varchar(8),[Qty] int,[OrdQty] int,[Volume] numeric(6,5)) insert [TB1] select 180050,'DY101110',12,1,0.0351 union all select 180050,'DY111117',14,1,0.075 union all select 180050,'DY111108',18,9,2.5 --------------开始查询-------------------------- --> 测试数据:[TB2] if object_id('[TB2]') is not null drop table [TB2] go create table [TB2]([SKU] int,[Qty] int) insert [TB2] select 180050,20 if object_id('[TB3]') is not null drop table [TB3] go create table [TB3]([SKU] int,[BatchNo] varchar(8),[Qty1] int,[Qty2] int,[OrdQty] int,[Volume] numeric(6,5)) --------------开始查询-------------------------- ; with t as ( select *,id=row_number() over(order by BatchNo) from[TB1] ) update a set a.Qty= case when b.[Qty]>(select sum([Qty]) from t where [id]<=a.[id]) then 0 when b.[Qty]>(select sum([Qty]) from t where [id]<a.[id]) and b.[Qty]<(select sum([Qty]) from t where [id]<=a.[id]+1) then a.[Qty]-(b.[Qty]-(select sum([Qty]) from t where [id]<a.[id])) else a.[Qty] end output deleted.[SKU], deleted.[BatchNo], deleted.[Qty], inserted.[Qty], deleted.[OrdQty], deleted.[Volume] into [TB3] from t a,[TB2] b select * from tb1 order by BatchNo /* SKU BatchNo Qty OrdQty Volume ----------- -------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------- 180050 DY101110 0 1 0.03510 180050 DY111108 10 9 2.50000 180050 DY111117 14 1 0.07500 */ --Qty1是修改前的值,Qty2是修改后的值 select * fro