日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20634 次
create table #order(id int,type int,sort int,Pid int) insert into #order(id,type,sort,Pid) select 1,1,20,20 union all select 2,1,20,20 union all select 3,1,20,20 union all select 4,1,20,20 union all select 5,0,20,20 union all select 6,0,21,20 select * from #order declare @str nvarchar(max) declare @tem int set @str=' type=1 or sort>20 ' set @str=N'select @tem_1=sum(id) from #order where ' +@str+ N' and Pid=20' print @str exec sp_executesql @str,N'@tem_1 int output',@tem_1=@tem output select @tem --or set @str=' type=1 or sort>20 ' set @str=N'select sum(id) from #order where ' +@str+ N' and Pid=20' declare @tb_value table(total int) insert into @tb_value(total) exec sp_sqlexec @str select @tem=total from @tb_value select @tem