日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20655 次
ALTER PROC [dbo].[GetRelatedArticle] @artID int, @returnCount int AS declare @tags nvarchar(500),@keywords nvarchar(500),@keys nvarchar(500),@count int,@i int,@whereStr nvarchar(2000),@Sql nvarchar(2000),@Sql1 nvarchar(1000) set @i=1 set @whereStr='' select @tags=class_name2,@keywords=keywords,@keys=keys from article_table where id=@artID if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb..#aa') and type='U') drop table #aa //关键字是'|关键字1|关键字2|'这样格式的 //split是自己些的分割函数 select * into #aa from split(@keys,'|') where short_str<>'' insert into #aa select short_str from split(@keywords,',') where short_str<>'' insert into #aa select short_str from split(@tags,'|') where short_str<>'' delete a from #aa a where exists(select 1 from #aa where short_str=a.short_str and ID<a.ID) select @count=COUNT(id) from #aa if @count=0 and (@tags<>'' or @keywords<>'' or @keys<>'') begin if @keys<>'' insert into #aa values(REPLACE(@keys,'|','')) else if @keywords<>'' insert into #aa values(REPLACE(@keywords,',','')) else if @tags<>'' insert into #aa values(REPLACE(@tags,'|','')) set @count=1 end declare @class_name nvarchar(50),@TopCount int select @class_name=class_name1 from article_table where id=@artID set @TopCount=@returnCount if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb..#relatetable') and type='U') drop table #relatetable create table #relatetable(rid int identity (1,1),id int,class_name1 nvarchar(50),class_name2 nvarchar(200),head nvarchar(500),pic nvarchar(200),head_short nvarchar(50),rootpath nvarchar(50),class_root nvarchar(50)) while @i<=@count begin declare @tag nvarchar(50),@id int declare @counttemp_b int Select TOP 1 @tag=short_str,@id=id FROM #aa order by id delete from #aa where ID=@id if @id>52000 --因为以前的keys和tags差不多。所以没必要查询 begin --先判断最相关在 set @whereStr='a.keys like ''%|'+REPLACE(@tag,'''','''''')+'|%''' --执行 if @whereStr='' begin set @whereStr='1<>1' end set @sql='insert INTO #relatetable(id,class_name1,class_name2,head,pic,head_short,rootpath,class_root) select top '+STR(@TopCount)+' a.id,a.class_name1,a.class_name2,a.head,a.pic,a.head_short,a.rootpath,b.file_name from article_table a inner join class_table b on a.class_name1=b.class_name where ('+@whereStr+') and addtime<=GETDATE() and a.[ID]<>'+STR(@artID)+' and a.status=2 and b.parent_id=''|0|'' and a.id not in (select id from #relatetable) and uptime between dateadd(mm,-4,getDate()) and getDate() order by a.uptime desc' EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @Sql select @counttemp_b=COUNT(id) from #relatetable --查询是否已经查出国@returnCount条,如果是,则不需要再查 if @counttemp_b=@returnCount begin select * from #relatetable order by rid return end else begin set @TopCount=@returnCount-@counttemp_b end end set @whereStr='a.keywords like ''%'+REPLACE(@tag,'''','''''')+'%'' or a.head like ''%'+REPLACE(@tag,'''','''''')+'%''' --执行 if @whereStr='' begin set @whereStr='1<>1' end set @sql='insert INTO #relatetable(id,class_name1,class_name2,head,pic,head_short,rootpath,class_root) select top '+STR(@TopCount)+' a.id,a.class_na