日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20478 次
--sql2005及以上版本 select * from( select *,rid=row_number() over (order by age) from [users] ) t where rid between @m and @n --sql2000 select *,rid=identity(int,1,1) into #tb from [users] order by age select * from #tb where rid between @m and @n drop table #tb
取n到m行 1. select top (n-m+1) * from tablename where id not in (select top n id from tablename order by id asc/*|desc*/) 2. select top m * into 临时表(或表变量) from tablename order by columnname -- 将top m笔插入到临时表 set rowcount n --只取n条结果 select * from 表变量 order by columnname desc 3. select top n * from (select top m * from tablename order by columnname) a order by columnname desc 4.如果tablename里没有其他identity列,那么: 先生成一个序列,存储在一临时表中. select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename 取n到m条的语句为: select * from #temp where id0 > =n and id0 <= m 如果你在执行select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename这条语句的时候报错,那是因为你的DB中间的select into/bulkcopy属性没有打开要先执行: exec sp_dboption 你的DB名字,'select into/bulkcopy',true 5.如果表里有identity属性,那么简单: select * from tablename where identity_col between n and m 6.SQL2005开始.可以使用row_number() over()生成行号 ;with cte as ( select id0=row_number() over(order by id),* from tablename ) select * from cte where id0 between n to m 慢慢看吧