日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20586 次
drop table #a create table #a ( a1 varchar(90), a2 int) insert #a select 'aaa1',1 union all select 'aaa2',2 union all select 'aaa2',2 drop table #b create table #b (b1 varchar(90), b2 int) insert #b select 'aaa2-1',1 union all select 'aaa2-2',2 union all select 'aaa2-2',3 union all select 'aaa2-3',3 SELECT * FROM #b ---- select b1 from #a where a2=2 --直接执行这句会报错的,因为不存在b1列 select * from #b where b1 in ( select b1 from #a where a2=2 ) ---表#a中不存在b1列, 没报错,出现了所有数据 select * from #b where b1 in (select b1 from #a where b2<3 ) ---表#a中不存在b1列,也不存在b2列,没报错,查出了#b表中b2<3的数据 select * from #b where b1 in (select b1 from #a where a2=2 and b2=1) --表#a中不存在b1和b2列,查出了#b表中b2=1的数据
declare @a table (aid int,acol varchar(1)) insert into @a select 1,'a' union all select 2,'b' union all select 3,'c' union all select 4,'d' union all select 5,'e' declare @b table (bid int,bcol varchar(1)) insert into @b select 1,'a' union all select 2,'b' union all select 3,'c' select * from @a where aid>1 and aid in (select aid from @b) /* aid acol ----------- ---- 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e */ select * from @a where aid>1 and aid in (select bid from @b) /* aid acol ----------- ---- 2 b 3 c */