日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20518 次

sql 2000 在没有主键以及唯一键的情况下去除重复

SQL code

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testDT](
    [bh] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [name] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [sex] [int] NULL,
    [email] [varchar](50) NULL


12 li 1 122@qq.com
12 li 1 133@qq.com
15 wang 0 33@qq.com
13 zhang 1 22@qq.com
13 zhang 1 22@qq.com

12 li 1 122@qq.com
15 wang 0 33@qq.com
13 zhang 1 22@qq.com


SQL code
select [bh],min(name) name,min(sex) sex,min(email) email  from [testDT]
group by [bh]

--sql 2005
select bh , name , sex , email from
select t.* , row_number() over(partition by bh order by name , sex , email) px from testdt t
) m
where px = 1
SQL code
--sql 2005
select bh , name , sex , email from
  select t.* , row_number() over(partition by bh order by name , sex , email) px from testdt t
) m
where px = 1

--sql 2000,如果某个字段能根据bh区分大小,例如email
select t.* from testdt t where email = (select min(email) from testdt where bh = t.bh)
select t.* from testdt t where not exists (select 1 from testdt where bh = t.bh and email < t.email)

select t.* , px = identity(int,1,1) into tmp from testdt t
select t.bh , t.name , t.sex , t.email from tmp t where px = (select min(px) from tmp where bh = t.bh)
select t.bh , t.name , t.sex , t.email from tmp t where not exists (select 1 from tmp where bh = t.bh and px < t.px)