日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20535 次
with t as (select a.id,a.name,b.pDate,b.price, row_number() over(partition by a.id order by b.pDate) rn from [product] a inner join [price] b on a.id=b.pId where b.pDate>'[变量今天]' ) select id,name,pDate,price from t where rn=1
select id,name,pDate,price from [product] inner join [price] on id=pId where datepart(dw,pDate)-datepart(dw,getdate())=1
with test as ( select a.id,a.name,b.pDate,b.price, row_number() over( order by b.pDate) rownum from project a inner join price b on a.id = b.pid where b.pDate >'[变量今天]' ) select top 1 * from test
go if object_id('tbl')is not null drop table tbl go create table tbl( [id] varchar(10), [name] varchar(10), pDate datetime, price numeric(5,2) ) go insert tbl select '1001','茄子','2012-01-25',2.5 union all select '1001','茄子','2012-02-02',2.8 union all select '1001','茄子','2012-03-06',2.2 union all select '1002','萝卜','2012-02-24',1.5 union all select '1002','萝卜','2012-02-19',1.2 union all select '1002','萝卜','2012-03-01',1.3 union all select '1003','西红柿','2012-01-25',3.2 union all select '1003','西红柿','2012-02-25',3.0 union all select '1003','西红柿','2012-03-06',2.9 union all select '1004','土豆','2012-02-25',1.8 union all select '1004','土豆','2012-02-28',1.5 union all select '1004','土豆','2012-02-16',1.7 select * from tbl a where pDate=(select max(pdate) from tbl b where pdate<=getdate() and a.[id]=b.[id]) order by [id] asc /* id name pDate price 1001 茄子 2012-03-06 00:00:00.000 2.20 1002 萝卜 2012-03-01 00:00:00.000 1.30 1003 西红柿 2012-03-06 00:00:00.000 2.90 1004 土豆 2012-02-28 00:00:00.000 1.50 */