日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20618 次
建议你提供详细的资料: 例如表的结构,表之间的关系,测试数据,相关算法及需要的结果。 这样有助于我们理解你的意思,更主要的是能尽快让你获得答案或解决问题的方法。
create table tb1(id int NOT NULL,big varchar(20),small varchar(20)) insert into tb1(id,big,small)values('1','a','a b c') insert into tb1(id,big,small)values('2','h','h i j') insert into tb1(id,big,small)values('3','o','o p q') go create table tb2(id int NOT NULL,smallname varchar(20)) insert into tb2(id,smallname)values('1','a c') insert into tb2(id,smallname)values('2','a h') insert into tb2(id,smallname)values('3','o p q i') go ;with ach as ( select a.id,a.big,substring(a.small,b.number,charindex(' ',a.small+' ',b.number)-b.number) small from tb1 a,master..spt_values b where b.type = 'p' and b.number between 1 and len(a.small) and len(a.small) >= 1 and substring(' '+a.small,b.number,1) = ' ' ) select distinct b.* from ach a join tb2 b on charindex(' '+a.small+' ',' '+b.smallname+' ') > 0 where a.big = 'a' drop table tb1,tb2 /********************** id smallname ----------- -------------------- 1 a c 2 a h (2 行受影响)
declare @t1 table(id int,big varchar,small varchar(10)) declare @t2 table(id int,smallname varchar(10)) insert into @t1 select 1,'a','a b c' union all select 2,'h','h i j' union all select 3,'o','o p q' insert into @t2 select 1,'a c' union all select 2,'a h' union all select 3,'o p q i' declare @input varchar set @input='a' --例如a select t2.* from @t2 t2 where charindex(' '+@input+' ',' '+smallname+' ')>0