日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20661 次
CREATE TABLE dept ( deptId int, deptPid int, deptName varchar(20) ) INSERT INTO dept SELECT 1, 0, '财务部' UNION SELECT 2, 0, '市场部' UNION SELECT 3, 0, 'IT部' UNION SELECT 4, 3, '开发部' UNION SELECT 5, 3, '测试部' UNION SELECT 6, 4, '美工' SELECT * FROM dept /** 要求结果如下: deptId deptPid deptName 1 0 财务部 2 0 市场部 5 3 IT部-测试部 6 4 IT部-开发部-美工 **/
CREATE TABLE dept ( deptId int, deptPid int, deptName varchar(20) ) INSERT INTO dept SELECT 1, 0, '财务部' UNION SELECT 2, 0, '市场部' UNION SELECT 3, 0, 'IT部' UNION SELECT 4, 3, '开发部' UNION SELECT 5, 3, '测试部' UNION SELECT 6, 4, '美工' if object_id('dbo.ff',N'FN') is not null drop function dbo.ff go create function ff(@id int) returns varchar(100) as begin declare @str as varchar(100) set @str = '' select @str = deptName from dept where deptId = @id while exists (select 1 from dept where deptId = @id and deptPid<>0) begin select @id = b.deptId , @str = b.deptName + '-' +@str from dept a , dept b where a.deptId = @id and a.deptPid = b.deptId end return @str end go select deptId,deptPid,deptName=dbo.ff(deptId) from dept d where not exists(select 1 from dept where deptPid=d.deptId) /* deptId deptPid deptName ----------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 财务部 2 0 市场部 5 3 IT部-测试部 6 4 IT部-开发部-美工 (4 行受影响) */
CREATE TABLE dept ( deptId int, deptPid int, deptName varchar(max) ) INSERT INTO dept SELECT 1, 0, '财务部' UNION SELECT 2, 0, '市场部' UNION SELECT 3, 0, 'IT部' UNION SELECT 4, 3, '开发部' UNION SELECT 5, 3, '测试部' UNION SELECT 6, 4, '美工' GO /** 要求结果如下: deptId deptPid deptName 1 0 财务部 2 0 市场部 5 3 IT部-测试部 6 4 IT部-开发部-美工 **/ ;with ach as ( select deptid,deptpid,deptname,0 as rid from dept union all select a.deptid,a.deptpid,b.deptname+'-'+a.deptname,b.rid+1 as rid from dept a join ach b on a.deptpid = b.deptid ) select deptid,deptpid,deptname from ach t where not exists (select 1 from ach where deptid = t.deptid and rid > t.rid) and not exists (select 1 from ach where deptpid = t.deptid) drop table dept /************** deptid deptpid deptname ----------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 财务部 2 0 市场部 5 3 IT部-测试部 6 4 IT部-开发部-美工 (4 行受影响)
;with t as ( select deptId , deptPid = deptId,deptName from dept union all select t.deptId , deptPid = d.deptPid,d.deptName from t inner join dept d on t.deptPid = d.deptId ) select deptId , deptPid,[path]=reverse(substring(reverse([path]) , charindex(',' , reverse([path])) + 1 , len([path]))) from ( select deptId , deptPid, [path] = STUFF((SELECT '-' + deptName FROM t WHERE deptId = d.deptId order by t.deptId , t.deptPid FOR XML PATH('')) , 1 , 1 , '') from dept d group by deptId , deptPid ) a where not exists(select 1 from dept where deptPid=a.deptId) /* deptId deptPid path ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------