日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20466 次
select col,count(*) as cnt from( select substring(a.col,b.number,charindex(',',a.col+',',b.number)-b.number) col from t1 a,master..spt_values b where b.type = 'p' and b.number between 1 and len(a.col) and len(a.col) >= 1 and substring(','+a.col,b.number,1) = ',' ) t group by col
declare @t1 table (content varchar(10)) insert into @t1 select 'a,b,c,d' union all select 'b,d' union all select 'b,c,d' select c1,count(1) as cnt from @t1 a left join (select 'a' as c1 union select 'b' union select 'c' union select 'd') b on charindex(','+b.c1+',',','+a.content+',')>0 group by c1 /* c1 cnt ---- ----------- a 1 b 3 c 2 d 3 */