日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20474 次
--第一级 select ciid from communityinfor as Community where parent!=0 and parent not in (select ciid from communityinfor ) --第二级 select ciid from communityinfor where parent in (select ciid from communityinfor as Community where parent!=0 and parent not in (select ciid from communityinfor )) --第三级 select ciid from communityinfor where parent in(select ciid from communityinfor where parent in (select ciid from communityinfor as Community where parent!=0 and parent not in (select ciid from communityinfor )))
/*==============================================================*/ /* Table: communityinfor */ /*==============================================================*/ create table communityinfor ( ciid int identity, levelid int not null, parent int not null, communityname varchar(50) not null, constraint pk_communityinfor primary key (ciid) ) go declare @currentuser sysname select @currentuser = user_name() execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '小区信息 需要具体到室 页面需要树控件显示出小区的所有信息。 从小区到室。 所有节点的信息 1.CIID ID 2.LevelID 级别信息外键ID[LevelInfor]表的外键。指示该节点所属的级别 4.Parent 父级。例如 1单元,它所属的栋级 是哪个 ?此字段引用自己的主键 5.CommunityName 节点的完整名称。 例如一栋一单元, 或者一栋一单元0101室 ', 'user', @currentuser, 'table', 'communityinfor' go