日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20538 次
if exists(select 1 from Stocks a,Depots b where a.DepotID=b.DepotID) print '存在'
if exists(select 1 from Stocks a,Depots b where a.DepotID=b.DepotID) print '存在' else print '不存在'
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM 采购入库表 WHERE ProID='你要录入的商品编号' AND DepotID='你要的仓库编号' ) UPDATE 采购入库表 SET 库存数量=新库存数量 WHERE ProID='你要录入的商品编号' AND DepotID='你要的仓库编号' ELSE INSERT INTO 采购入库表 VALUES(ProID,新库存数量)
if object_id('Stocks') is not null drop table Stocks go create table Stocks ( ProID varchar(10), DepotID varchar(10), SL int --数量 ) go --创建触发器 if object_id('tr_Stocks') is not null drop trigger tr_Stocks go create trigger tr_Stocks on Stocks for insert as update b set KCSL=KCSL+a.SL from inserted a inner join DepotStock b on a.ProID=b.ProID and a.DepotID=b.DepotID if @@rowcount=0 insert into DepotStock(DepotID,ProID,KCSL) select DepotID,ProID,SL from inserted go if object_id('DepotStock') is not null drop table DepotStock go create table DepotStock ( DSID int identity(1,1), DepotID varchar(10), ProID varchar(10), KCSL int --库存数量 ) go insert into Stocks select '0001','01',10 --库存表中不存在,插入 insert into Stocks select '0001','02',15 --库存表中不存在,插入 insert into Stocks select '0001','01',3 --库存表中已存在,更新 select * from Stocks select * from DepotStock /* 三次插入语句,只有两句执行的插入操作,另一句触发器做了更新 DSID DepotID ProID KCSL ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- 1 01 0001 13 2 02 0001 15 (2 行受影响) */