日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20562 次
--6条记录 或是 4条记录 测试没有问题 declare @t table (my_data numeric(2,1)) insert into @t select 1.1 union all select 1.2 union all select 1.5 union all select 1.6 union all select 1.7 union all select 1.8 ;with maco as ( select row_number () over (order by my_data) as num,* from @t ) select my_data from maco where num between (select ceiling(count(1)/2.0)-1 from maco) and (select ceiling(count(1)/2.0)+1 from maco) /* my_data --------------------------------------- 1.2 1.5 1.6 */
select * from( select *,px=row_number() over (order by my_data) from tb )t where px between (case when px%2=0 then px/2-1 else (px+1)/2-1 end) and (case when px%2=0 then px/2+1 else (px+1)/2+1 end)