日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20713 次
select top 5 BookID,BookName,b.Author,PressTime,Thumbnail from dbo.BookInfo b where charindex(b.Booktypeid,(select BookTypeID from dbo.QueryPlan where UserID = 'sunyusheng' and Flag = 'true')) >0 or (charindex(author,(select author from dbo.QueryPlan where UserID = 'sunyusheng' and Flag = 'true')) > 0) or (charindex(press,(select press from dbo.QueryPlan where UserID = 'sunyusheng' and Flag = 'true')) > 0)
select top 5 BookID,BookName,b.Author,PressTime,Thumbnail from dbo.BookInfo b where exists (select 1 from dbo.QueryPlan where UserID = 'sunyusheng' and Flag = 'true' and (charindex(b.Booktypeid,BookTypeID)>0 or charindex(b.author,author) or charindex(b.press,press)>0))
主要的問題是charindex()在SQL Server 2000 & SQL Server 2005無法應用到索引,對應上百萬條記錄的BookInfo表,最好的解決方法就是,考慮能應用到合適的索引。可以參考下面方法:
--1.在表BookInfo的Booktypeid author press字段創建合適索引 --2.轉換 Booktypeid author press成列表形式 ,以便能使用到索引 Declare @sql nvarchar(4000) if object_id('Tempdb..#') Is Not Null Drop Table # if object_id('Tempdb..#QueryPlan') Is Not Null Drop Table #QueryPlan Create Table #QueryPlan(Detail nvarchar(50),DetailType smallint) /* 1.BookTypeID 2.author 3.press */ Create clustered Index IX_#QueryPlan On #QueryPlan (DetailType Asc) select author,BookTypeID,press Into # from dbo.QueryPlan where UserID = 'sunyusheng' and Flag = 'true' If Exists(Select 1 from # Where BookTypeID>'') Begin Set @sql='Select 1,'''+Replace((Select BookTypeID From #),',',''' union All Select 1,''')+'''' insert into QueryPlan(DetailType,Detail) Exec (@sql) End If Exists(Select 1 from # Where author>'') Begin Set @sql='Select 2,'''+Replace((Select author From #),',',''' union All Select 2,''')+'''' insert into QueryPlan(DetailType,Detail) Exec (@sql) End If Exists(Select 1 from # Where press>'') Begin Set @sql='Select 3,'''+Replace((Select press From #),',',''' union All Select 3,''')+'''' insert into QueryPlan(DetailType,Detail) Exec (@sql) End --3修改查詢語句,查看執行計劃,是否應用到索引,調整索引,這樣就能提高查詢效率 --3.a select top 5 BookID,BookName,b.Author,PressTime,Thumbnail from dbo.BookInfo b Where Exists(Select 1 From # Where (Detail=b.BookTypeID And DetailType=1) --BookTypeID Or (Detail=b.author And DetailType=2) --author Or (Detail=b.press And DetailType=3) --press ) --