日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20430 次
create table users ( pid varchar(10), name varchar(50) ) create table payment ( payTime datetime, pid varchar(10), bid varchar(10), pay float, pay_count float, ) insert into users select'3000001', '艾鹤' union all select '3000002', '王艳辉' union all select '3000003', '刘珊' insert into payment select'2012-01-12','3000001', '1011',225.00, 125.00 union all select'2012-01-08','3000001', '1012' ,145.00, 25.00 union all select'2011-01-01','3000001', '1011' ,165.00, 15.00 union all select '2012-01-15','3000002', '1013',78.00, 5.00 union all select '2012-02-05','3000003', '1014' ,580.00, 25.00 union all select '2012-02-12','3000001', '1011' ,862.00, 25.00 union all select '2012-02-14','3000001', '1012' ,25.00, 12.00 查询pid为 3000001 结果为: paytime bid, pay, pay_count cash 2012-01-12 1011 225 125 100 2012-01-01 1011 165 15 150 2012-02-12 1011 862 25 837 小计 1011 1252 165 1087 2012-01-08 1012 145 25 120 2012-02-14 1012 25 12 13 小计 1011 170 37 133 总计 1422 202 1220
--少了一列,补上 select * , pay - pay_count as cash from ( select convert(varchar(10), paytime, 120) as paytime , bid , pay , pay_count from payment where pid = 3000001 union all select * from ( select '小计' as c1 , bid , sum(pay) as c3 , sum(pay_count) c4 from payment where pid = 3000001 group by bid union all select '总计' as c1 , null as c2 , sum(pay) as c3 , sum(pay_count) c4 from payment where pid = 3000001 ) a ) b order by isnull(bid, 9999) ,paytime /* paytime bid pay pay_count cash ---------- ---------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- 2011-01-01 1011 165 15 150 2012-01-12 1011 225 125 100 2012-02-12 1011 862 25 837 小计 1011 1252 165 1087 2012-01-08 1012 145 25 120 2012-02-14 1012 25 12 13 小计 1012 170 37 133 总计 NULL 1422 202 1220 */
WITH E AS ( SELECT u.[pid],u.[name],p.bid,p.pay,p.pay_count,p.payTime FROM [master].[dbo].[users] u join [master].dbo.payment p on u.pid=p.pid where u.pid = '3000001' ) SELECT CASE when payTime IS NULL and bid IS NULL then '总计' when payTime IS NULL then '小计' ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),payTime,120) end as payTime, bid,sum(pay) as pay,sum(pay_count) as pay_count,sum(pay-pay_count) as cash FROM E GROUP BY bid,payTime WITH ROLLUP
--字段写错了 ;with maco as (select