日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20581 次
if object_id('Tempdb..#tbMain') is not null drop table #tbMain
if object_id('Tempdb..#tbKh') is not null drop table #tbKh
create table #tbMain(
aid int identity(1,1) not null,
xm nvarchar(100) null,
xh nvarchar(100) null,
gzdw nvarchar(100) null
create table #tbKh(
bid int identity(1,1) not null,
xh nvarchar(100) null,
khnd nvarchar(10) null,
khdc nvarchar(10) null
Insert Into #tbMain
select '张三','A001','市招商局' union all
select '李四','A002','市招商局' union all
select '王五','B001','市教育局' union all
select '张兵','B002','市教育局'
Insert Into #tbKh
select 'A001','2012','优秀' union all
select 'A002','2012','合格' union all
select 'A001','2013','优秀' union all
select 'B001','2012','优秀' union all
select 'B002','2012','合格' union all
select 'B001','2013','优秀' union all
select 'B002','2013','合格'
;with cte(khnd) as(
select khnd from #tbKh group by khnd
select s.xm,s.xh,s.gzdw,z.khnd,z.khdc
from #tbMain s cross join cte t
left join #tbKh z on s.xh=z.xh and t.khnd=z.khnd
where s.gzdw='市招商局' and t.khnd='2013'
create table tbMain
(xm varchar(10),xh varchar(10),gzdw varchar(10))
insert into&n