日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20428 次
--时间最近,应该是max select * from tablename a where date=(select max(date) from tablename where ID =a.ID )
select * from tb where not exists(select 1 from tb a where a.date>date and a.id=id and a.name=name)
create table tb (id int, name varchar(10), [date] date) insert into tb select 1,'A', '2012-1-1' union all select 2 ,'B', '2012-1-2' union all select 2 ,'B', '2012-1-3' union all select 3 ,'C', '2012-1-4' go select id,name,[date]=MAX([date]) from tb group by id,name id name date 1 A 2012-01-01 2 B 2012-01-03 3 C 2012-01-04 (3 行受影响)
use tempdb; /* create table A ( ID int not null, name nvarchar(10) not null, [date] nvarchar(10) not null ); insert into A values (1,'A','2012-1-1'), (2,'B','2012-1-2'), (2,'B','2012-1-3'), (3,'C','2012-1-4'); */ select B.ID,B.name,B.[date] from ( SELECT A.ID,A.name,A.[date], row_number() over(partition by A.name order by A.ID,A.[date] desc) as [orderno] FROM A ) as B where B.orderno = 1;
select * from table a where not exists(select 1 from table b where a.id = b.id and a.date < b.date)