日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20778 次
--> --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id('Tempdb..#marks') is null drop table #marks Go Create table #marks([bj] int,[xm] nvarchar(1),[zf] int) Insert #marks select 1,N'a',602 union all select 2,N'b',580 union all select 3,N'c',588 union all select 1,N'd',700 union all select 2,N'e',312 union all select 3,N'f',555 union all select 1,N'g',400 Go declare @zgf int,@zdf int select @zgf=600,@zdf=550 ;with b as (select @zgf as grade1,grade2=800 union all select grade1-10,grade1 from b where grade1>550) ,c as (select 0 as bj union all select distinct bj from #marks) ,d as (select * from (Select * from b union all select 0,@zdf) as a ,c) select a.bj,a.grade1 as fs,rs=COUNT(case when b.[zf]<grade2 then 1 end),lj=COUNT(b.bj) from d as a left join #marks as b on b.[zf]>=grade1 and (a.bj=0 or a.bj=b.bj) group by a.bj,a.grade1 order by a.bj, a.grade1 desc /* bj fs rs lj 0 600 2 2 0 590 0 2 0 580 2 4 0 570 0 4 0 560 0 4 0 550 1 5 0 0 2 7 1 600 2 2 1 590 0 2 1 580 0 2 1 570 0 2 1 560 0 2 1 550 0 2 1 0 1 3 2 600 0 0 2 590 0 0 2 580 1 1 2 570 0 1 2 560 0 1 2 550 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 600 0 0 3 590 0 0 3 580 1 1 3 570 0 1 3 560 0 1 3 550 1 2 3 0 0 2 */
create table marks(bj int,xm nvarchar(10),zf int) insert into marks select 1,'a',602 insert into marks select 2,'b',580 insert into marks select 3,'c',588 insert into marks select 1,'d',700 insert into marks select 2,'e',312 insert into marks select 3,'f',555 insert into marks select 1,'g',400 go declare @zgf int,@zdf int set @zgf=600 set @zdf=550 select a.bj,a.df,SUM(case when b.zf between a.df and a.gf then 1 else 0 end)rs,COUNT(b.zf)lj from( select a.bj,b.df,b.gf from ( select 0 as bj union select distinct bj from marks )a,( select (case when number>0 then (number-1)*10+@zdf else 0 end)df, (case when (number-1)*10+@zdf>=@zgf then 10000 else number*10+@zdf-1 end)gf from master..spt_values where type='p' and (number-1)*10+@zdf<=@zgf )b)a left join marks b on b.bj=(case when a.bj=0 then b.bj else a.bj end) and b.zf>=a.df-- between a.df and a.gf group by a.bj,a.df order by a.bj,a.df desc /* bj df rs lj ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 600 2 2 0 590 0 2 0 580 2 4 0 570 0 4 0 560 0 4 0 550 1 5 0 0 2 7 1 600 2 2 1 590 0