日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20670 次
declare @memA int set @memA=1 with cte as( select memB from tbList where memA=@memA union all select memB from tbList inner join cte on tbList.memA=cte.memB )
declare @memA int set @memA=1 with cte as( select memB from tbList where memA=@memA union all select tbList.memB from tbList inner join cte on tbList.memA=cte.memB where not exists (select 1 from cte where cte.memB=tbList.memB) )
if object_id('[tb]') is not null drop table [tb] create table [tb] (id int,name varchar(1),pid int) insert into [tb] select 1,'A',0 union all select 2,'B',1 union all select 3,'D',1 union all select 4,'C',2 union all select 5,'D',2 union all select 6,'A',4 union all select 7,'E',5 union all select 8,'F',5 GO ;with cte as ( select *,[path]=cast([name]+'->' as varchar(100)) ,[level] = 1 from tb where pid = 0 union all select a.*, cast(c.[path]+a.[name]+'->' as varchar(100)),[level]+1 from cte c ,tb a where a.pid = c.id ) select * from cte where len([path]) > 6 and right([path],3) = left([path],3) /* id name pid path level ----------- ---- ----------- -------------- ----- 6 A 4 A->B->C->A-> 4 (1 行受影响) */ ------------------------------------ -- Author : happyflystone -- Date : 2010-04-06 -- Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86) -- Apr 14 2006 01:12:25 -- Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation -- Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) -- ------------------------------------ -- Test Data: ta IF OBJECT_ID('[tb]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [tb] Go CREATE TABLE tb([cid] NVARCHAR(1),[pid] NVARCHAR(1)) Go INSERT INTO tb SELECT 'A','B' UNION ALL SELECT 'A','D' UNION ALL SELECT 'B','C' UNION ALL SELECT 'B','D' UNION ALL SELECT 'C','A' UNION ALL SELECT 'D','E' UNION ALL SELECT 'D','F' GO --Start ;with cte as ( select *,[path]=cast([cid]+'->' as varchar(100)) ,[level] = 1 from (select distinct cid,cast('' as nvarchar(1)) as pid from tb union select distinct pid ,'' from tb) b union all select a.*,cast(a.[cid]+'->'+c.[path] as varchar(100)),[level]+1 from cte c ,tb a where a.pid = c.cid and charindex(a.[cid]+'->',c.[path])=0 ) select [path]+cid+'->' from cte where exists(select 2 from tb where cid+'->' = right([path],3) and pid+'->' = left([path],3))-- = left([path],3) --Result: /* -------------- A->B->C->A-> C->A->B->C-> B->C->A->B-> (3 行受影响) */ --End 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/htl258/archive/2010/04/06/5456223.aspx