日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20500 次

请高手帮解决sql嵌套查询 排序的问题

表AAA (title可能是重复的这是商家发布的)
1 t1 U1
2 t2 U2
3 t3 U5
4 t1 U7
5 t8 U12
6 t2 U12

表BBB (是user的用户销售title产品的TJ销售数量)
ID TITLE TJ(销售数量) USER(用户)
1 t1 2 u1
2 t1 1 u1
3 t1 3 U2
4 t2 5 U2
5 t5 1 U3
6 t3 2 u1
7 t1 6 u12

<%=rs("id")%> <%=rs("title")%> <%=总的销售数量%>(好像有点难啊)

SQL code
select a.* from AAA a
left join (select [USER], TITLE, sum(TJ)TJ from BBB group by [USER], TITLE) b
on a.[USER]=b.[USER] and a.TITLE=b.TITLE
order by b.TJ

SQL code

declare @表AAA table (ID int,TITLE varchar(2),USERName varchar(3))
insert into @表AAA
select 1,'t1','U1' union all
select 2,'t2','U2' union all
select 3,'t3','U5' union all
select 4,'t1','U7' union all
select 5,'t8','U12' union all
select 6,'t2','U12'

declare @表BBB table (ID int,TITLE varchar(2),TJ int,USERName varchar(3))
insert into @表BBB
select 1,'t1',2,'u1' union all
select 2,'t1',1,'u1' union all
select 3,'t1',3,'U2' union all
select 4,'t2',5,'U2' union all
select 5,'t5',1,'U3' union all
select 6,'t3',2,'u1' union all
select 7,'t1',6,'u12'

select *,
(select sum(TJ) from @表BBB 
where title=a.title and username=a.username) as B表中的TJ和
from @表AAA a order by 4 
ID          TITLE USERName B表中的TJ和
----------- ----- -------- -----------
3           t3    U5       NULL
4           t1    U7       NULL
5           t8    U12      NULL
6           t2    U12      NULL
1           t1    U1       3
2           t2    U2       5

SQL code
create table A(ID int,TITLE varchar(10),[USER] varchar(10))
insert A
select 1,'t1','U1' union all
select 2,'t2','U2' union all
select 3,'t3','U12' union all
select 4,'t5','U7' union all
select 5,'t1','U2' union all
select 6,'t2','U12'
create table  B(ID int,TITLE varchar(10),TJ int,[USER] varchar(10))
insert B
select 1,    't1',    2,     'u1' union all
select 2,    't1',    1,     'u1' union all
select 3,    't1',    3,     'U2' union all
select 4,    't2',    5,     'U2' union all
select 5,    't5',    1,     'U7' union all
select 6,    't2',    6,     'u12' union all
select 8,    't2',    4,     'u2'
select A.ID,A.Title,A.[User],TJ=sum(isnull(b.TJ,0)) from A
left join B on B.[user]=A.[user] and B.Title=A.Title 
group by A.ID,A.Title,A.[User]
order by sum(isnull(b.TJ,0)) desc
ID   Title  User  TJ
----  ----  ----  --
2    t2    U2    9
6    t2    U12    6
5    t1    U2    3
1    t1    U1    3
4    t5    U7    1
3    t3    U12    0

drop table A,B