日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20516 次
create table a([No] varchar(10),Date varchar(10),[Time] varchar(10)) insert into a select '001', '20111230', '19:15' union all select '001' ,'20111231', '03:15' union all select '001', '20111231', '03:16' union all select '001', '20111229' ,'19:16' union all select '001' ,'20111230', '03:10' select * from a select isnull(a.No,b.No) No,isnull(a.Date,B.Date) Date,isnull(a.Time,'') WorkS,isnull(b.Time,'') WorkE,'夜班' 班次 from (select No,Date,min(Time) Time from a where Time between '19:00' and '19:25' group by No,Date ) a full join (select No,Date,min(Time) Time from a where Time between '03:00' and '03:25' group by No,Date ) b on a.No=b.No and a.Date=dateadd(d,-1,b.Date) --班次应该有一个排班表吧,这样的话就在上面的语句上加一个条件 --where exists(select 1 from 排班表 where 班次='夜班' and ( No=a.No or No=b.No ) /* 001 20111229 19:16 03:10 夜班 001 20111230 19:15 03:15 夜班 */