日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20696 次

跪求 sql 查询高手

create table student
stuNo int,
stuName char(6)
insert into student values(1,'李明')
insert into student values(2,'小红')
insert into student values(3,'小利')
insert into student values(4,'小甜甜')
insert into student values(5,'咪咪')
insert into student values(6,'好莱坞')
create table course
cNo int,--为课程号
cName char(6),--课程名
cteacher char(6)--代课老师
insert into course values(1,'语文','李老师')
insert into course values(2,'数学','马老师')
insert into course values(3,'英语','杜老师')
select * from course
create table elective--成绩表
sNo int,
cNo int,
elecGrade int

select * from elective where cNo=1 and cNo=2
insert into elective values(1,1,80)
insert into elective values(1,2,70)
insert into elective values(2,2,60)
insert into elective values(2,3,60)
insert into elective values(1,2,60)
insert into elective values(1,3,40)
insert into elective values(1,3,50)

select * from student
select * from course
select * from elective

-- 3. 列出既学过“1”号课程,又学过“2”号课程的所有学生姓名???????
select student.stuName from course join student 
on student.stuNo = course.cNo
where cNo = 1 or cNo= 2
-- 4. 列出“1”号课成绩比“2”号同学该门课成绩高的所有学生的学号????
5. 列出“1”号课成绩比“2”号课成绩高的所有学生的学号及其“1”号课和“2”号课的成绩

SQL code
--3. 列出既学过“1”号课程,又学过“2”号课程的所有学生姓名

select stuname 
from student s 
where exists(
    select 1 
    from elective e 
    where exists(
        select 1 
        from elective 
        where sNo=e.sNo and cNo=1 and e.cNo=2)
        and e.sNo=s.stuNo)

4 5没看懂,帮顶.
-- 3. 列出既学过“1”号课程,又学过“2”号课程的所有学生姓名???????
SQL code
select stuName
from student s
where exists(select 1 from course where sNo=s.stuNo and cNo = 1)
and exists(select 1 from course where sNo=s.stuNo and cNo = 2)

SQL code
-- 3. 列出既学过“1”号课程,又学过“2”号课程的所有学生姓名
select m.stuname from student m where stuNo in
  select sno from
  select distinct sno from elective  where cno = 1
  union all
  select distinct sno from elective  where cno = 1
  ) t
  group by sno having count(1) = 2

(所影响的行数为 1 行)

-- 4.列出“1”号课成绩比“2”号同学该门课成绩高的所有学生的学号
select m.stuno
from student m, elective n1 , elective n2
where m.stuno = n1.sno and m.stuno = n2.sno and n1.cno = 1 and n2.cno = 2 and n1.elecgrade > n2.elecgrade

(所影响的行数为 2 行)

select distinct m.stuno
from student m, elective n1 , elective n2
where m.stuno = n1.sno and m.stuno = n2.sno and n1.cno = 1 and n2.cno = 2 and n1.elecgrade > n2.elecgrade

(所影响的行数为 1 行)

select m.stuno , n1.elecgrade , n2.elecgrade
from student m, elective n1 , elective n2
where m.stuno = n1.sno and m.stuno = n2.sno and n1.cno = 1 and n2.cno = 2 and n1.elecgrade > n2.elecgrade
stuno       elecgrade   elecgrade   
----------- ----------- ----------- 
1           80          70
1           80          60

(所影响的行数为 2 行)