日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20616 次

再请教 MSSQL2005 深度计算多版本bom单价
MSSQL2005 深度计算多版本bom单价 ---- 两种计算方法展开
表关系:goodsbom.billid=goodsbomdetail.billid 相同时表示同一层bom
1001 , A , AA , 1
1002 , B , BB , 1
1003 , F , FF , 1
1004 , A , AK , 1

单据ID,明细序号, 物料子件ID,子件数量 ,子件版本号  
1001 , 1 , B , 1 , BB
1001 , 2 , C , 1 , ' '
1001 , 3 , D , 1 , ' '
1002 , 1 , E , 1 , ' '
1002 , 2 , F , 2 , FF
1003 , 1 , G , 1 , ' '
1003 , 2 , H , 1 , ' '
1004 , 1 , J , 1 , ' '
1004 , 2 , K , 1 , ' '
materailid , price
A , 2
B , 1
C , 1
D , 1
E , 1
F , 1
G , 1
F , 1
J , 1
K , 1

要求结果如下: 以查询物料A为例, 如果查询物料B或物料F同理。 两种计算方法展开

1/计算最下层物料 (从最下层显示所需材料)
物料母件ID,母件版本号,母件数量 ,子件ID , 子件数量 ,子件序号,子件单价,子件金额
materialid ,bomno ,quantity ,elemgid,goodsbomdetailquantity,goodsbomdetailbomno ,materialprice ,materialamt
A , AA , 1 , C , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1
A , AA , 1 , D , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1
A , AA , 1 , E , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1
A , AA , 1 , G , 2 , ' ' , 1 , 2 ----请注意 这里需要子件G为2个
A , AA , 1 , H , 2 , ' ' , 1 , 2 ----请注意 这里需要子件H为2个
A , AK , 1 , J , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1
A , AK , 1 , K , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1

2/计算下一层物料 (只计算查询层所在材料或半成品)
materialid ,bomno ,quantity ,elemgid,goodsbomdetailquantity,goodsbomdetailbomno ,materialprice ,materialamt
A , AA , 1 , B , 1 , BB , 1 , 5 ---注意 这里的单价为B下级材料求和
A , AA , 1 , C , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1
A , AA , 1 , D , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1
A , AK , 1 , J , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1
A , AK , 1 , K , 1 , ' ' , 1 , 1


SQL code
-- #goodsbom
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#goodsbom') is not null drop table #goodsbom
create table #goodsbom(billid int, materialid varchar(8), bomno varchar(8), quantity int)
insert into #goodsbom
select 1001, 'A', 'AA', 1 union all
select 1002, 'B', 'BB', 1 union all
select 1003, 'F', 'FF', 1 union all
select 1004, 'A', 'AK', 1

-- #goodsbomdetail
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#goodsbomdetail') is not null drop table #goodsbomdetail
create table #goodsbomdetail(billid int, itemno int, elemgid varchar(8), quantity int, bomno varchar(8))
insert into #goodsbomdetail
select 1001, 1, 'B', 1, 'BB' union all
select 1001, 2, 'C', 1, '' union all
select 1001, 3, 'D', 1, '' union all
select 1002, 1, 'E', 1, '' union all
select 1002, 2, 'F', 2, 'FF' union all
select 1003, 1, 'G', 1, '' union all
select 1003, 2, 'H', 1, '' union all
select 1004, 1, 'J', 1, '' union all
select 1004, 2, 'K', 1, ''

-- #materialprice
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#materialprice') is not null drop table #materialprice
create table #materialprice(materailid varchar(8), price int)
insert into #materialprice
select 'A', 2 union all
select 'B', 1 union all
select 'C', 1 union all
select 'D', 1 union all
select 'E', 1 union all
select 'F', 1 union all
select 'G', 1 union all
select 'H', 1 union all
select 'J', 1 union all
select 'K', 1

-- 1
;with cte(mid,mbom,mqty,id,qty,bom) as
    select a.materialid, a.bomno, a.quantity, b.elemgid, a.quantity*b.quantity, b.bomno from #goodsbom a, #goodsbomdetail b where a.billid=b.billid and a.materialid='A'
    union all
    select c.mid, c.mbom, c.mqty, b.elemgid, a.quantity*b.quantity*c.qty, b.bomno from #goodsbom a, #goodsbomdetail b, cte c where a.billid=b.billid and a.bomno=c.bom
select a.*, b.price, amt=a.qty*b.price from cte a, #materialprice b where a.id=b.materailid and a.bom=''
mid      mbom     mqty        id       qty         bom      price       amt
-------- -------- ----------- -------- ----------- -------- ----------- -----------
A        AA       1           C        1                    1           1
A        AA       1           D        1                    1           1