ms sql视图中 排序问题(order by ) 创建了一个 视图 其sql 如下: select * From ( SELECT top 100 PERCENT a,b,c FROM tb WHERE DATEDIFF(day, b ,getdate())>=3 order by b desc) asd union all select * From ( SELECT top 100 PERCENT a,b,c FROM tb WHERE DATEDIFF(day, b ,getdate())<3 order by b asc) def
但是结果并没有按照 b 排序
union all 前后两个 sql 单独查询却是排序的结果,但是放在一个 view里面,其结果并不是按b排序。
select * from yourviewname order by b
SQL code
select a,b,c From (
SELECT 1 as px,a,b,c
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, b ,getdate())>=3
union all
SELECT 2 as px,a,b,c
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, b ,getdate())<3
) t
order by
case when px=1 then -b else b end
SQL code
create table hhh1(id int,col varchar(20))
create view hhh1view
select * from hhh1 order by col
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified.
create view hhh1view
select * from hhh1
select * from hhh1view order by col
------解决方案-------------------- 最外面一层加一个order by 试试呢?
视图是个查询结果集,是没有排序的,如果你使用了ORDER BY那么你必须于TOP关键字一起使用,这里ORDER BY 并不是对视图的结果进行排序,只是为了让TOP提取结果。 当使用视图做查询,出来的结果想要排序,还得使用order by
------解决方案-------------------- 理论上视图是不能排序的 order by 后是一种游标了 但是可以用top来转换