日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20574 次

A 表 (合同基本信息表)
ID ContractNO 
1 11111 
2 22222
3 33333

B 表 (合同产品信息表)
ID ContractNO Product Supplier
1 11111 卷尺 上海 
2 11111 橡皮 北京
3 11111 卷尺 北京
4 22222 卷尺 上海
5 33333 卷尺 上海

C 表 (供货单位)
ID ContractNO Supplier
1 11111 北京 
2 33333 上海


ID ContractNO Product Supplier
1 11111 卷尺 上海 
4 22222 卷尺 上海


select * from B b where not exists(
select 0 from b,C c where b.ContractNO =C.ContractNO and b.Supplier=c.Supplier)
SQL code
select * from b where id <> (select id from b inner join c on b.ContractNO=c.ContractNO and b.Supplier

SQL code
select b.* from b left join c on b.ContractNO=c.ContractNO and b.Supplier
where c.ContractNO is null

SQL code

create table tA
  ID int,
  ContractNO varchar(5),
  Product nvarchar(10),
  Supplier nvarchar(10)

insert into tA
select 1,'11111', '卷尺', '上海'  union all
select 2, '11111', '橡皮', '北京'  union all
select 3, '11111', '卷尺', '北京'  union all
select 4, '22222', '卷尺', '上海'  union all
select 5, '33333', '卷尺', '上海'

create table tB
  ID int,
  ContractNO varchar(5),
  Supplier nvarchar(10)

insert into tB
select 1,'11111','北京'  union all
select 2, '33333',  '上海' 

select * from tA a where not exists(select 1 from tB where ContractNO=a.ContractNO and Supplier=a.Supplier)

SQL code
select b.* from b right join c on b.ContractNO=c.ContractNO and b.Supplier
where b.ContractNO is null

SQL code

if object_ID('b') is not null
   drop table b
create table b
 id int identity(1,1),
 contractno varchar(10),
 product varchar(10),
 supplier varchar(10)
insert into b (contractno,product,supplier)
select '11111','卷尺','上海' union all
select '11111','橡皮','北京' union all
select '11111','卷尺','北京' union all
select '22222','卷尺','北京' union all
select '33333','卷尺','上海'
if object_id('c') is not null
   drop table c
create table c
 id int identity(1,1),
 contractno varchar(10),
 supplier varchar(10)
insert into c (contractno,supplier)
select '11111','北京' union all
select '33333','上海'
select * from b t1 where not exists(select 1 from c where contractno=t1.contractno and Supplier=t1.Supplier)
id          contractno product    supplier
----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1           11111      卷尺         上海
4           22222      卷尺         北京

(2 行受影响)