日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20852 次

Create Table T1(
type int,
beginid int,
endid int,
moeny int,
status int
其中 type,beginid,endid 都是主键,建的复合索引,
type beginid endid money status
1 1 1 0 0  
1 1 2 0 0
1 2 1 0 0
1 2 2 0 0
2 1 1 0 0  
2 1 2 0 0

该表只进行更新操作, 每次更新 type,beginid,endid 最小 并且status=0的记录。 

SQL code

Create Table T1(
type int,
beginid int,
endid int,
moeny int,
status int
insert into  T1 values 

declare @talbe table (type int,beginid int,endid int,status int); --(可能会查询到多条结果,所以先用表变量保存结果,方便后面更新)

insert into @talbe select T1.type,T1.beginid,T1.endid,T1.status from  T1,
    (select min(type) as type from T1 where status=0) a,
    (select min(beginid) as beginid from T1 where status=0)b,
    (select min(endid) as endid from T1 where status=0)c
where T1.status=0 and T1.type=a.type and T1.beginid=b.beginid and T1.endid=c.endid

UPDATE T1 SET moeny ='20' --要更新的money值
WHERE T1.type IN (SELECT type FROM @talbe) AND  T1.beginid IN (SELECT beginid FROM @talbe) AND  T1.endid IN (SELECT endid FROM @talbe) AND T1.status IN (SELECT status FROM @talbe)

--SQLSERVER 2008下测试同过

SQL code

select *
from tb t
where status = 0
   and not exists (select 1 from tb where status = t.status and ([type] < t.[type]
                   or ([type]=t.[type] and beginid < t.beginid)
                   or ([type]=t.[type] and beginid = t.beginid and endid < t.endid)))

SQL code

update table as a set money='{0}' ,status='{1}' from (select min(type) as type,min(beginid) as beginid ,min(endid) as endid from table)t where a.type=t.type and a.beginid=t.beginid and a.endid=t.endid

SQL code

update table as a set money='{0}' ,status='{1}' 
from (select min(type) as type,min(beginid) as beginid ,min(endid) as endid 
from table)t where a.type=t.type and a.beginid=t.beginid and a.endid=t.endid

update table as a set money='{0}' ,status='{1}' 
from (select min(type) as type,min(beginid) as beginid ,min(endid) as endid 
from table)t where a.type=t.type or a.beginid=t.beginid or a.endid=t.endid